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Jeeth was standing infront of the car with a camera in his hands. A victorious smile was painted on his face. Maya looked over to Adhi. He was clutching the steering wheel hard. His jaw was clenched nostrils flared. He was beyond pissed off. Maya put her hand on his forearm but Adhi released it

"Stay in the car" he growled. Adhi began to open his door.

"Adhi." Maya's eyes were welled up in tears.

"Baby im just gonna talk to him okay. I'll be fine. Dont worry." He stroked mayas cheeks. "Just stay in the car okay" he smiled at her. But it didnt really reach his eyes.

Maya nodded. He patted her cheeks and ripped open the car door and got out. Maya couldn't hear what the guys were talking about. But it wasn't pretty. Adhi was angry. Of all the time she spent with him she had never seen him this angry.

Jeeth was a whole another story. His smirk never left his face. The way he was talking was almost playful, triggering. Like a cat playing with a mouse. Adhi grabbed the camera from jeeth's hands and crushed it under his feet and kicked it to the ocean.

Jeeth said something close to adhi's ear and then all hell broke loose. Adhi lost it and started punching jeeth. His one hand were clutched his jeeth's collar and the other was punching him repeatedly in the jaw. Maya cupped her mouth in shock and jumped out of the car. Jeeth was also fighting back . His face was covered in blood. Jeeth pulled his arm back and hit him sharp across his jaw.

Adhi spitted blooded on to the sand. Maya was trembling. She ran towards them and began to pull adhi away from Jeeth. A few of jeeth's friends pulled him back too.

"You son of a bitch" Jeeth again jumped towards Adhi. But his friends pulled him back. Maya was sobbing into adhi's chest and pulled him away from the fight.

"Adhi please stop" maya pleaded. She clutched his shirt in his hands.

Adhi looked down at her. Maya saw adhi's nose and lips bleeding. He had a black eye.

"Lets go please lets just goo" Maya pleaded as she saw jeeth was coming back to our direction. Adhi swiped his thumb over maya's tear streaked cheeks.

"Lets go. I'll drop you at the hostel" adhi pulled maya towards the car.

"No. Take me home." If he drove her to the hostel he would definitely comeback and fight again. Maya knew it.

"Look at you adhi you're bleeding we need to dress this." Maya protested.

"Maya its almost 6. I need to take you back to the hostel by 7. My house is a 2 hour drive from here" He pushed maya to the seat and walked around the car and sat on the driving seat. Maya immediately took some tissue from her purse and handed over it to adhi.

"Here press it to your nose. It looks really bad." Adhi pressed it to his nose and winced in pain.

"Adhi take me home. We have to take care of that wound. Or just go to a hospital."

"Maya..." Adhi protested.

"Dont 'maya' me or lets just call your mom. She can look at it right?" Maya looked at him with wide eyes.

"No. No I'll take you home. Dont call mom. She'll get worried." Adhi agreed hesitatingly.

The drive to adhi's home was filled with maya's complaints. She was frantically changing the tissues and wiping blood from his face and hands. Adhi's eyes widened as she started cursing jeeth and telling him what an asshole he is.

"What did he say to you? Why did you get so angry?"  She asked him

"Why shouldn't i be angry? He has no right to even look at my girl and he was clicking pictures of us kissing. I should have broke his face"

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