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"Honey I think you are pregnant." Raji aunty pulled Maya into a hug.

Maya's eyes were wide like footballs and her mouth hung wide open. She quickly opened her mouth to object but I jumped up from my seat and enveloped her in a hug. Her hands went limp at her sides.

"Maya im so happy. Thank you so much for this wonderful gift. I cant believe we are going to be parents." I acted away. I spared a quick glance at our hosts. Manny was trying so hard not to laugh and was covering his mouth with his fist. Raji aunty was like every daily soap mother who knew her children were going to become parents and swiped a tear from her eye.

I could feel maya getting uneasy and the next thing I knew I was being pushed away from her.

"stop okay, Just stop!" she yelled. The whole room went silent. I was preparing myself for a slap but she didnt even glance at me. She sidestepped by me and went over to raji aunty and grasped her hands. "aunty.. im not pregnant "she whispered.

"are you sure maya? Because the signs are stating the obvious." Raji aunty raised her eyebrows. "oh is it because you guys were using protection? Honey those things are not that dependable. It doesnt work half the time" she voiced.

Dear god take me now. Oh boy this just went to straight sex ed. Manny and I shifted on our feet, thats one thing guys across the world would agree on. Sex ed from parents is a big no no.

Maya shook her head vigourously "No no its not" she sighed and pulled raji aunty to a side and started whispering In her ears. I was sure she mustve said something period related to her. Raji auntie's face lit with understanding. She looked at me with pity in her eyes and grasped Maya's hands and looked like she was reassuring her. Maya nodded back.

They again looked at me. Okay thats suspicious. What did they talk about?

They came back to our side, maya came and stood next to me. To my surprise she held my hand and patted it. "Im sorry, Im not pregnant. I know you were really expecting it but . . . im sorry" she stammered. My eyes widened in surprise. Wow could she act, she even made her voice tremble, like she was about to cry.

I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her to my side swiftly. Her eyes widened for a second but quickly sobered up. She laid her head on my chest. Time stopped for a second. I lowered my head to her hair and breathed her in. Her body still smelt of peaches, but her hair it smelt of vanilla. I have no idea how to get vanilla in to your hair. Girls.

I felt Maya smelling me too. She softened in my arms. My grip on her tightened, for a moment I forgot where I was, by looks of it Maya did too. But a sharp cough brought us back from heaven to earth. It was Manny. Raji aunty was looking anywhere but us. We quickly parted and stepped away from each other.

It was almost 8 am in the morning by then. We went back to our breakfast, None of us speaking, maya wouldnt even look at me.

After breakfast we quickly got down to business Mannys father had woken up and we quickly decided on the Pooja. It will be performed tomorrow at dawn. Which meant we might have to stay the night. Together.


Oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap.

This trip is going to hell and deeper. The pooja for Tara and Arjun's happy marriage life was set to be performed at dawn. That is not uncommon, in india most poojas are done at that time because we believe that the channel from earth to the heavens are open during that time. But my concern is much bigger than that.

Adhi and I have to stay here tonight. In a room, together, in the Same Damn Bed!

I can barely stand next to him and not swoon, now the same bed. This is not happening. I fisted my hair in my hands. A sharp knock to my left jerked me to reality.

Wedding In Pandemic ( Completed ✔) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum