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Maya was having a panic attack. Her breaths started coming in pants as she gripped her neck and struggled to breath. I rushed to her side as I tried to hold her tight and asked her to breath. But she just pushed me away and started throwing things all over the room, She was screaming with agony as the reality set in.

the video was the undoing for both of us. But at least that time, my face was blurred , but now it was on full display. I understand I really do. But for a girl like maya, whose father is the number 1 asshole in the world. I cant imagine what's going on in her head. I held her hands tight within mine as I made her breath.

"Maya, Maya please listen. baby breathe with me" I said as she did.

ONE inhale exhale

TWO inhale exhale

THREE inhale exhale

She looked a little calmed down but the panic attack was nowhere near gone I could tell. But I just held her tight and buried her in my chest. As she cried and struggled to breath. I spoke soothing word in her ears as her breathing slowly came back to normal.

"Its not jeeth" Maya croaked

"I know"

"Then who?"

"I dont know. Whoever it is, how did they get the video if not from Jeeth?" I asked.

"Jeeth wouldn't do that to us. Not anymore. He is with Manny now. He wont do it" Maya protests.

The sudden knocks on the door makes us jump apart. Maya moves behind me, scared and broken. My heart squeezed for her. But I held her hand tight and waited. Vivek's voice pierced through the door.

"Maya its us. Open up." He said.

I slowly let go off her hand and make sit down on the bed. I move towards and open it. The second I open it and they see its me A massive punch lands on my face. I expect it to be vivek because he's the impulsive one. But its not, its varun and he wasn't stopping. Punches came from all direction as vivek joined with him. I didnt defend myself, I welcomed it. I deserve it.

"NO!!!!" I hear maya's scream from behind me. "No! stop! dont hurt him!" She cries as she desperately tries to pull her brothers off from me.

"You stay out of this Maya. I told you there was something wrong about this guy" Vivek roared. Varun doesn't utter a word as he pound his fist on my face. Pain unlike anything spreads through as I realise my nose is broken. A cry leaves my mouth as I push him away. Varun was thrown away from me but vivek was still left, a kick to his gut left him on the ground. And before either of them could get back up Maya sprinted and hugged me so tight that I was afraid she might crack my already injured ribs.

"Stop it!" Her face still in my chest, but her voice was stern as ever. "I SAID STOP IT!"

Both brothers paused. Vivek looked torn, but varun stepped forward "Maya, he-"

"He didnt do anything! I know it. He was with me all this time. He.Didnt.Do.It!" Maya's voice reverberated across the room. "If anyone, ANYONE touches him again I swear to god"

"Maya he posted that video, didnt you see what he did?"

"How do know its him? Do you have proof? Because I do. And I know exactly who did this. Its his crazy Ex. We've been through this before." It creeps out before she can stop it. I saw the regret in her eyes.

"Before?" Vivek ask. I could literally see the pain behind his eyes. Maya had said vivek and her had no secrets between them. The only secret she kept from him was this. And that too because she know it will hurt him more than it would hurt her.

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