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Climbing up the stairs in speed which I didnt know I could run, I reached my room and dug up my phone from my pocket. Dialing the number which I know by heart since the last 4 years. I waited for the endless ring to stop. After what felt like an eternity the voice on the other side answered.

"Maya? Our session isnt for another 4 hours". Dr. Mehta sounded worried.

"I know. . . I said breathlessly I need to talk to you"

"Whats wrong Maya? Did your dad do something-" I jumped in before she could complete "NO no. its not dad this time, surprisingly. Its Adhi. Hes here."

After vomiting all the details to dr.mehta and feeling not even a little better, I waited for her reaction. I was hoping for a scolding, but instead she burst out laughing.

"You spiked the orange juice with vodka? How does know one figure out the difference between vodka and orange juice?" she laughed.

"Honestly? I have no idea. But that is not the issue here. My cousin is going to marry adhis brother. Which makes him my family" I grinded my teeth "oh and do you know who adhis family is now? Ajay Malhotra, who was the principal who terminated me from my college. It all makes sense now, how he wasnt involved in all the after effects of the video, how adhi was wiped out from the whole case. Ughhhh!!!" I fisted my hands in my hair.

"Oh my. That is a lot of info for one drunk night." Dr. Mehta sighed.

"Right? Its all so fuc.. Screwed up" I quickly refrained from cursing. Dr Mehta was big on language.

"Did you try talking to him? He said he wanted to talk right?"

"With adhi? Like hell im gonna talk to him. He can go to hell for all I care" Adhi doesnt deserve a second chance, and he isnt gonna get it.

"Maya you and I both know thats not true. Try to talk to him. Get his side of the story. It will finally give you the answers to your questions and you will get closure. You can finally move on"

Did I want that? Moving on? All these years, the only fuel for everything I did was anger. And surprisingly it made me productive. I had made peace with my side of the story. I fell in love with an asshole. He cheated me. Thats it. Thats all I know, thats all I want to know. What if finding out the truth was even more painful. Can I handle that? Can I handle getting my heart broken again?

"I dont think thats a good idea." I said

"Why not? Are you scared to know the truth?" she asked. Her voice coating with the comforting of a mother.

"Im no scared. Im just. . . I just dont wanna go down that road again. I dont think Ill come back from there if I did." I confessed.

If it wasnt for Tara finding me covered in blood from slit wrists and taking me to amummas place im not sure I would be alive right now. If it wasnt for preethy dragging me to see a therapist, I would have been rocking in a corner.

"No you wont. Trust me. With the level of improvements youve made, youll never go there. Even if you did we all will be there to pull you back." I felt her mentally giving me a tap on my nose. Like she does every time.

"okay ill try. Im not gonna force him into talking to me or anything. If he wants to talk I wont refuse I said dismissively "

"attagirl" I could feel her smile in those words.


I have been sitting on these stairs for forty five minutes. If any of mayas family sees me, theyll think im a creep. She has been talking on her phone for a while. I heard her laughing and complaining about me to someone. Thats when I walked away from her door and sat here.

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