Smile Again | Bismuth X Reader

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"Y/n?" The usual jolly voice, now overtaken with worry called out to you beyond your bedroom's door.

Her voice was followed by a couple firm knocks. "I-it's alright if you don't want to let me in, but I'm here if you need me."

Groggily, you exited your nest of blankets and dragged yourself to the door, opening it, revealing Bismuth standing cautiously outside.

"Never seen you look so scared." You joked between sniffles.

"Of course I'm scared, it's about you!" Bismuth retorted back, letting herself in.

"T-thanks... it's really not important though." You mumbled, now back on your bed, patting the side next to you for Bismuth to take.

"No." She said.

"No? No what?" You repeated.

"I'm just disagreeing with you. Anything affecting you is important! You're important to the gems! You're important to me!" She affirmed, sitting down next to you, placing a hand against your back gently.

"You're just saying that..." You muttered, looking down to your lap.

"You think I'd lie to you?" Bismuth asked with a raised brow. There was a pause without your response. "Do you?"

"No... you wouldn't." You said, glancing away with a small smile tugging at your lips corners.

"Now c'mere you!" Bismuth said with a hearty giggle, pushing you into her chest and onto her lap.

"Biz! What's this about?!" You asked playfully, trying to pull yourself away from her.

"You aren't going anywhere! You think you're strong enough to get out of these arms?" Bismuth asked jokingly, flexing her biceps.

You rolled your eyes sarcastically, giggling a bit before relaxing your body. Your head rested on Bismuth's chest with your arms around her waist and her arms wrapped low around your back. She squeezed you a little affirmatively.

"Comfy there?" She asked.

Letting your head fall down against her you replied with a confirming hum, closing your eyes.

"Wanna talk about it?" Bismuth asked, looking down at you and bringing a hand up to place it gently on your head, caressing your hair. "How were her hands so big yet so gentle?" You thought.

You shook your head.

"Well that's alright too. I'll still be here, no matter what." Bismuth stated, resting her chin on top of your head and lying down with you on top of her, still cradled in her arms.

"It feels nice like this... it feels... safe..." You whispered, feeling quite exhausted and ready to sleep. Maybe the comfort and warmth of Bismuth only increased this feeling.

"This is the safest place on Earth!" Bismuth boasted with a laugh. You smiled back at her sleepily.

"You look exhausted." She pointed out, bringing her hand to your face, wiping beneath your eyes were tears previously stained.

"I am." You laughed, struggling to keep your eyes open.

"Feel free too. The safest place for you is here, with me, I won't let anything happen to ya." Bismuth reassured.

"Thanks Biz... for everything..." You managed to spit out, almost succumbing to sleep.

"Aww c'mon, anything for you." Bismuth cooed with a warm grin and a small... blush?

"Are you... blushing?" You asked.

"Psh, no! All that cryin must've messed with your eyes!" Bismuth said hastily, blush only getting more opaque.

"You are!" You repeated, poking her cheeks where her blush was.

"Alright, alright! You got me!" Bismuth joked with a laugh, ruffling your hair. "I may be a tough gem... but sometimes you make me feel... soft, in a way." She elaborated.

"Who would've thought? The big, strong blacksmith is really a huge softie." You teased.

Bismuth gasped and squeezed you playfully. "I. Am. Not. A softie!" She proclaimed between squeezes.

You both started laughing out loud together.

"It's nice." Bismuth began.

"What is?" You questioned.

"Seeing you smiling again." Bismuth said with an annoying, cheeky grin.

"Oh shut up." You threatened sarcastically, hitting her in the arm.

"You call that a punch?" Biz asked, raising her arm.

"Biz, WAIT!" You yelped and squeezed your eyes shut, only opening them when met with uproarious laughter instead of a punch to the arm.

"You really... thought... I was gonna hit you!" Bismuth cried between laughs, wiping tears from her eyes.

"A-anyone would be threatened if it was you about to hit them!" You reasoned, trying to save your pride.

After Biz had finished her little laughing fit, you both calmed down a bit again.

"Actually going to sleep this time huh?" Biz joked, putting a hand on the back of your head, pulling you onto her chest once more.

"Okay, okay~" You happily sighed with a roll of your eyes.

"Good." She affirmed.

And you stayed like that, on Bismuth's chest for the rest of the night. I suppose it made sense she was so warm, she did spend most of her time around literal boiling lava!

You wouldn't use the word soft, but definitely comfortable. You also felt secure, I mean she was huge in the muscle department, nothing would try to challenge that!

Bismuth watched as you drifted into a deep sleep. She always had her eye on you. Clutching onto your tiny body, she could feel your light breathing and relaxing muscles...

When she knew that you were now asleep, she decided to do so herself, but not once, even when she was asleep did she let you go...


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