Gentle Giant | Bismuth X Overworked Reader

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The sound of incessant clicks on a keyboard filled the darkness of your bedroom- illuminated only by the dim light of a computer screen.

Working tirelessly for hours was taking it's toll on you- mentally and physically...

Your eyes started to wane and your fingertips grew more sore with each tap of a key.

Rubbing your eyes and taking a sip of your now cold coffee, you continued. The work wasn't going to finish itself after all.


Being so enthralled in your work you didn't hear your name being spoken, nor did you hear the door creak open.

Luckily enough the person coming in didn't have any ill intentions.

It was Bismuth.

"Earth to Y/n? You're not ignorin' me are ya?"

The tall gem walked across your room carefully as to not trip in the dark- and stood right behind you, looking over your shoulder at the endless paragraphs of text on the screen.

Her lips curled into a smirk.

"Alright you asked for this!"

Bismuth slowly crept her hands down to be parallel to your sides- a place she knew you were ticklish in and...

"SURPRISE!" Bismuth yelled, relentlessly attacking your weak point!

"AH! WHAT?! BIZ-!" You yelped and wriggled frantically between bouts of laughter!

Ending up splashing your coffee right into your face on accident!

"HAH!" Bismuth let out a booming laugh before covering her mouth, face immediately switching to worry. "OH! Hey- that wasn't hot was it?"

"Luckily." You half heartedly smiled. "Woke me up a bit though, thanks Biz."

She sighed lightly, relieved she didn't accidentally get you hurt.

"Here, I'll go fetch you a towel." With a pat on your shoulder she hurried out of your room. Coming back a moment later you held out your hand to take it.

"Nope. It was my mistake, so I'm gonna clean it up." She said, quickly pulling it away from you.

Holding the towel between her fingers, she began to delicately run the soft fabric across your features.

It felt surprisingly... gentle.

"I guess you're good at being gentle because your forging takes a lot of focus and patience right?" You asked.

"You're darn right it does! It just so happens it helps me take care of you too." She smiled warmly, finishing up and tossing the towel over her shoulder, lightly caressing your now clean cheek with her thumb. "There, all better."

"Thanks for all this..." You held back a yawn and started turning back to your desk. "But I really should get back to work now."

"Oh no you don't!"

"What do you mea- WOAH!" You were cut off as you were hoisted into the air! Bismuth picked you up like you weighed nothing and carried you in one arm!

"Biiiiiiz! I really have to!" You complained and writhed in her firm grasp.

"Nuh-uh. I'm not hearin' it. You've been in here for hours, this isn't good for you!"

Holding you up, she walked over to your bed as you wriggled and squirmed, reaching for the hellish trap that was your computer.

Crouching down, she lightly placed you in the middle of the snug sheets.

"Escape!" You yelled, trying to quickly scurry off the bed- just to be met with Bis' hand on your chest pushing you right back down.

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