Protector | Jasper X Bullied Reader

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"G/n! You're needed in helping ready the ship for the Earth mission!" Your higher-up Emerald commanded you.

You saluted. "On it!" You affirmed before running off down the winding halls to join the rest of the crew already there, stepping into the hangar.

"Look who finally shows up." A nasally voice remarks.


This type of thing always happened, if you were late or not. Any and everyone was like this, even the Peridots— who were considered low in the caste system.

That's just how you were made. Weak and made to do menial tasks... you even came out worse than the other G/n.

"Honestly we don't even need you here, dead weight." One of the assisting Peridots snarked as the group of them walked over.

"I've been ordered to help, so I'm here whether you like it or not." You retorted, leaning down over a bundle of wires and cables hooked up to the ship.

As you were about to grab one and actually do your job, one of them stepped right onto the back of your hand crushing it down with their limb enhancers, causing you to wince.

"Hey! At least I'm trying to do my job, not just abuse my co-workers!" You yelled, trying to pull your hand out from under the Peridot's limb enhancer to no avail.

"I think it's much more fun doing this anyways. If you want me to stop, why don't you just do it yourself?" The Peridot joked with a shrug, followed by the mocking laughter of the rest of the group. You rolled your eyes.

As the laughing continued, so did the pressure on your hand. That Peridot was forcing her limb enhancer down like she was trying to jump on it.

You wanted to stop it of course... but what could you do? Maybe you could at least take down one of them and run, but a whole group? With limb enhancers? You were doubtful.

You gave up and decided to deal with the pain until they got bored with you... they always would at some point... they'd leave when the fun is over. That's what you hoped anyways.

Wincing in pain, you felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes.

When there was no hope, you just slumped there, letting them tease, berate and prod at you, waiting for any kind of response.

That was until...

"RUNTS! I swear if you're not working I'll shatter you all!" A deep raspy voice shouted.

You immediately felt the weight on your hand disappear. Turning to the Peridots, they were huddled together, slowly backing away from you with terrified, and fake innocent looks on their faces.

You were threatened too, but seeing the Peridots like this was so new! A pleasant surprise!

Although your own fear came back upon hearing loud stomping coming up from behind you. Whoever chastised them had actually came over here.

Turning around, you hesitantly looked up...

She was a Jasper. Larger than any others you'd seen. Taller. More muscular. She had piercing golden eyes, large white hair and her gemstone in place of her nose.

Then it hit you, she was the Jasper going to Earth on this ship!

She glared at the Peridots then turned to you. Her eyes wandered to your hand, which you were clutching in pain. There was a clear imprint of a limb enhancer's boot on it.

"The more time you spend bullying some weakling, the more time you're holding our mission back!" Jasper growled, pacing over towards the group of Peridots.

"You!" She called as she pointed to the one who stepped on your hand.

All of the Peridots seemed to shrivel, like a turtle trying to hide in its shell. Reluctantly, that Peridot stepped forwards.

Standing in front of the Jasper, that Peridot was tiny, even with the limb enhancers. Almost anyone would be tiny compared to this Jasper!

The Jasper tilted the Peridot's face up by grabbing their cheeks. Her glare was so intense... so violent. You weren't the one being glared at, yet you were likely just as terrified.

Just as the Peridot opened her mouth to speak, she received a powerful blow right into her stomach! She even covered her mouth likely to stifle a cry of agony!

"I'll do worse to all of you if I see you slacking again! Now back to work!" Jasper yelled, eyeing the rest of the group.

"Y-yes, Jasper!" They all said in unison, before grabbing the other one who was on the floor, and returning hastily to their duties inside the ship.

When they were all gone, you turned and looked up to Jasper. "T-thank you." You said meekly.

Jasper just crossed her arms and looked away. "I just don't want them wasting my time. Don't thank me." She huffed.

"A-alright I'll get back to work on these wires!" You stuttered with a salute.

You went back to your work and heard Jasper begin to walk away. But after 3 or 4 steps she stopped abruptly.

"You." She said.

You turned your head to face her, was she talking to you?

"You're weak. Get stronger, then maybe I wouldn't have to protect you." She stated bluntly. Of course, you were a bit offended, but she wasn't wrong. Wait...

"You were protecting me? I thought this was about the mission being delayed." You thought out loud.

"Hmph. Don't flatter yourself. Think of it as you like, but take my advice. I might not be there next time..." She warned before storming off again.

It was a bit cold to put it the way she did... but she wasn't wrong. How would I even start though? Maybe you'd ask her later when she returns from Earth... if you gathered the courage.

"C-could you help me get stronger?" You asked.

Without turning back to face you, she responded. "If you don't get shattered while I train you, maybe I'll give you a chance. Then I won't have to protect you." she offered with a smirk and a light chuckle to herself.

"Thank you! I'd be grateful!" You said with a salute and a bow as she continued walking into the ship.

You thought she'd be meaner to you to be honest... what did she mean about protecting you? Was she being honest about helping you out? Did she feel pity or maybe... something else.

As you were thinking, a Peridot with triangular hair followed behind the Jasper mumbling to herself. You decided to listen in.

"Why was she so nice to some G/n? I would've guessed she'd give them the same punishment, so why didn't she...?" The Peridot thought out loud and shrugged.

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