Can I? | Lapis X Reader

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"BYEEEEEEE LAPIIIiiiiissss!!" Steven waved as he got further and further away, sprinting down the hill!

"YO, Y/N YOU COMIN'?!" Amethyst yelled, cupping her hands around her mouth!

The pair of troublemakers had come over to ask if you wanted to hang out today. You did want to go, however someone much more important would take priority. "Yeah I-"

Behind you sat Lapis, who had her head held low...

Her mouth opened yet nothing came out.

You only heard a pitter patter of feet and then all of a sudden felt a soft weight press against your back.

A pair of slender blue hands worked their way under your arms and around your waist, resting on your stomach.

"Lapis?" You could feel her head nestled into your back.

"Do you..."


"Do you have to go?"

Her voice was muffled by your shirt yet you could still make out the slightly glum tone she had.

It made your heart sink...

"Sorry guys, boss' orders!" You gestured to Lapis with a tilt of your head. "Maybe next time though!"

"Ooh alright I know what's goin on here~" Amethyst cooed, making a little kissy face!

"Amethyst." You hissed!

"Enjoy your fun alone, you two!"

Lapis peered from behind your back as you both glared Amethyst down.

"Alright, alright, just messin' with ya! Peace!" Amethyst laughed before picking Steven up and hauling him off down the hill!

As you watched the two leave, Lapis' grip tightened just a little. "Thank you." She whispered.

"It's no problem. Is everything okay?" You asked, now placing your hands over the top of hers, making her jolt a little.

You placed your hands over the top of hers, which made her jolt a little. "It's no problem. Is everything okay?"

"Mhm." She hummed. "I just wanted to spend a bit of time together... That's all."

You weren't exactly sure if that was the whole reason, but you'd keep her company regardless.

You stood in silence, swaying together for a moment. The low creaking of the wooden floor beneath your feet being the only thing to fill the silence.

"You're not usually this touchy." You joked.

"Oh- sorry." Her hands reluctantly started to slide away before you pulled them back.

"I didn't say I disliked it."

You couldn't see it, but this adorable, wide smile appeared on her face as she nuzzled into you more!

"Anything you wanna do in particular?" You asked.

"No, not really. If it's with you... I'll do anything."

Her words made a light blush rise to your cheeks. "Hmm... how about we chill and watch something. Wasn't there a spinoff for Camp Pining Hearts that came out recently?"

"I think it sounds like a complete cash grab if you ask me." Lapis shrugged. "Ooh, how about we read this book Connie gave me! It's called 'Unfamiliar Familiar'!"

She always got excited when talking about the books she loved to read! It was without a doubt the cutest thing ever!

You pulled away from her, letting her arms slip away, and turned to face her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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