Change With The Tide | Nice Lapis X Reader

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Hi again! It's been far too long! I have about 2 years of rust to shake off so please be patient with me! I'll be trying to bring the quality I've had before and improving too!

Now get ready for some pre-marital handholding 😳💚 oh my, how dangerous~


"Is this the place?"

You were surprised she would show up so soon, but regardless it was a pleasant surprise!

You, Steven and Lapis had just returned from an awfully tiring journey- one where you met a pair of two lazulis.

One mean with a curled bob, although you hoped she'd come through eventually, and were more than willing to help her do so.

And one nice, the one standing in front of you with the ponytail and a set of cute freckles.

They'd gotten accustomed to the lives they had before, ruled over by the diamonds, living to terraform and destroy once peaceful planets.

Your Lapis had 'convinced' them to stop with just a tiny bit of force, and Steven told them they'd be welcomed over here at little homeschool.

"You came!" Steven cheered, running over to the gem.

"And awfully fast too." You added.

She stood quite awkwardly, swaying her arms a little to and fro. She didn't really know what to say.

"I... thought some of the stuff you showed me was pretty cool, so here I am." She finally spoke out, laughing nervously.

"That's perfect! Here, let me show you arou-" Steven began but was cut off by his ringtone.

Picking up his phone, and answering the call, he listened in for a few seconds before walking back over to you. "Sorry, looks like Peridot needs our help, Lapis."

"What'd she do this time?" Lapis responded with an eye-roll and a dead-pan expression.

"Apparently... just a teensy tiny, very big fire in the barn..." Steven explained with little to no worry.

"How- actually nevermind." Lapis sighed.

"Y/n here can show you around, right?" Steven continued with a nudge to your side.

Taking another glance at the ever-timid Lazuli in front of you, you nodded. "Of course, I'd be happy to!"

You gave Steven and Lapis a "Good luck!" and a wave as the two hopped on the warp pad, leaving you to help out your soon-to-be new friend.

A moment of silence passes.

"So..." She mutters, gazing down to the floor.

You raised your hand out, only for her to stare blankly at it. "Uhh..."

"It's a handshake. You just- put your hand in mine and well- shake it." You explained.

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