Chapter 8

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"what time is it?" i asked him "5:30 pm" niki replied "yes we'll see the sunset! now hurry up!" i yelled and he groaned "whats wrong?" i asked.

"im hungry hyung!" he complained "do you wanna go to a store and buy some food?" i asked "yes please" he replied "okay off we go!" i cheered.


"this is a perfect spot!" i cheered and pointed at a big rock. niki and i sat on the rock and started eating the snacks we bought. the sun was slowly setting and i smiled "is this a habit of yours?" niki asked out of nowhere.

"what habit" i said "you know, watching the sun set and relax?" he replied "oh yeah, it comforts me honestly. the beach has always been my stress reliever" i explained and munched on the chips i was holding.

"jake hyung is really stressing you out huh?" he asked.

"no not really.. im just worried you know? i dont want him to hide anything from me. and if ever, sunghoon and... jake hyung... are a thing, im not supposed to get mad at him for it.. right? i wouldn't want our friendship to be ruined just because of some guy i like" i explained

"but you'll get your heart broken hyung" he said "sure ill be upset but i know it'll only last for a while!" i said

"you're cool hyung" he giggled "am i receiving a compliment from nishimura riki?!" i asked "savor it while it lasts" he said in a dramatic way. i slapped his arm playfully and we laughed.

there was silence, once again. the both of us just admired the sun setting and talked about our lives. today has been really special for me and i just love how i get to spend it with niki. it could've been better if  he was sunghoon though..

[3rd Person's POV]

"thank you for spending your time with me today jay hyung. i really appreciate it, even if it was only a short while" jungwon said to jay. however, the older was focused on admiring the younger.

jay always finds jungwon cute wherever he goes. he has took a liking to the boy for a while now and decided that it was time to make a move on him, which he did.

"earth to jay??" jungwon said, noticing that the older was not concentrated "oh sorry! no problem wonnie, ill see you tomorrow at school!" jay cheered waving goodbye to the other.

on the other hand, there was sunghoon and jake. "jakey when are we going to have our second date? im getting impatient here.." sunghoon whined. jake felt bad but also, it was for their own good.

jake didn't want sunoo to be hurt. although he knew that at some point, sunoo will have to know the truth, just not now "hoonie im sorry but im afraid we'll have to keep it a secret for another month" jake apologized and gave sunghoon a peck on the lips.

both of them had been dating for 8 months already. in the first 2 months, both of them could hang out anytime without any problems. just as they were about to reveal themselves to their group/s that they were dating, sunoo has already taken a liking to sunghoon and thats where it started.

"jake you know that sunoo will have to know the truth one day. we cant just keep on hiding! im sure he'll understand, you guys are friends. arent friends supposed to support each other?" sunghoon asked him.

this had jake thinking. what if sunoo doesn't get mad and support the both of them? "thats a great idea sunghoon. but im scared" jake sighed "its okay. just tell him when you're ready" sunghoon said and played with jakes hair.

lastly, we have heeseung. while everyone was 'doing their own thing' right now, he also did his own thing. currently, heeseung was giving pecks to the love of his life here and there

"my love.. lets be together forever" heeseung said and pecked the cup of ramen once again. the people near heeseung, eyed him weirdly. they were concerned (?) yet embarrassed for him but heeseung couldn't care less.

what matters is he's eating ramen and watching youtube videos. thats the life he wanted, not to be with someone who'll boss him around and have fights with "being single is so cool man. i get to eat these without sharing" heeseung giggled.


bros can yall help. is there such word as "foods" because now that i think about it, the word "foods" does not make any sense👄👁️👄. okay there ARE some cases where you need to say it. like when you say "start eating healthy foods bitch".

idek man. even if you convert the sentence into "start eating healthy food bitch" it sounds okay. anyway what the fuck-eth is this question even. go scroll before i turn you into paper-


 win-win | sunki ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon