Chapter 31

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sunoo has been avoiding ni-ki for a while now. when the younger would go to the kitchen, he would go to the living room. when the younger would go to the living room, he would go to the kitchen "sunoo hyung i cut my finger!" ni-ki yelled from his room.

the older immediately left the couch and ran to ni-ki "what happened?!" sunoo opened the door, panting "ah its just a paper cut. anyways do you want to go out?" ni-ki laughed "you- fine but don't you ever do that again! you got me running like a cheetah" sunoo sighed.

"wear something warm. its freezing outside" ni-ki ordered "did you forget that i dont live here?" sunoo crossed his arms "right sorry. you can borrow some of my clothes" ni-ki said, scratching his nape from embarrassment.

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ni-ki has been waiting for the other to finish getting ready for about 10 minutes now. he didn't know why the older was putting so much effort in looking good, because he thinks that he already looks good either way "im done!" sunoo yelled. ni-ki released a sigh of relief and looked at the older.

"let's go" they both left the house, making sure to lock it before leaving and used one of jay's cars.

they didn't talk the whole ride. the only sound you could hear was the music playing in the car. a few minutes later, sunoo saw the beach through the windows "riki its freezing cold outside! why the beach?" sunoo cried "do you think i'll allow the both of us to freeze to death? we are going to the beach but- you know what stop asking questions. just trust me" ni-ki rolled his eyes.

the car then stopped and they both got out of it. ni-ki walked over to sunoo slowly and interwined their fingers without saying anything. the younger started walking, making sunoo walk as well. the both of them then came to a halt. in front of them was a modern restaurant that looked like only celebrities could get inside.

sunoo gasped, he wasn't sure whether he wanted to go inside or not "riki are you sure? im not dressed nicely.. the people inside might judge me because of it.." sunoo said "you look amazing. you always do. lets just get inside hm?" ni-ki softly said. something about what he said made sunoo's stomach feel a little funny.

the two males entered the restaurant and the waiter welcomed them with a smile, which made sunoo loosen up a bit "hi i would like to know where the private table under nishimura riki, is located?" ni-ki asked the girl "oh you're him! please follow me"

"private table?! how much did it cost?!" sunoo whispered "not much.. i think.." the younger replied with a laugh.

the both of them settled in a room with only one table and two chairs. the place was decorated perfectly and the balcony just completed the look. sunoo cherished every single detail of it "i dont know why you're doing this but thank you" sunoo smiled and took a seat "where's the menu?" sunoo asked.

"i already ordered" ni-ki giggled "riki what the fuck is happening. why are we even here?" sunoo asked "ive always wanted to go to this restaurant with someone special" he chuckled "ohhh. why isn't taki here then?" sunoo asked him, pouting "taki? BAHAHA no. he's just a close friend, nothing more"

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"im so full. that food was delicious" sunoo said "wanna go to the balcony for some fresh air?" ni-ki asked. he nodded and stood up.

the both of them entered the balcony, inhaling the fresh air as the wind hit their faces "its really cold out here. my neck is starting to feel really numb" sunoo shivered "knew you would get cold you dumbo. i told you to wear something warm" ni-ki removed his scarf and wrapped it around sunoo's neck, making sure to cover his whole face with it after.

"how dare you" sunoo removed the scarf off his face and glared at him "i wouldn't miss the chance of teasing you. its fun and your reactions are funny" ni-ki laughed and ruffled his hair.

"wanna tell me why you were pissed a few hours back?" ni-ki asked "well you promised me you'd hang out with me the whole day but you ditched me and hung out with taki instead! i tried talking to you but you kept on ignoring me" sunoo rolled his eyes "ah that.. im really sorry. atleast we're spending time together now!" ni-ki cheered.

"wasn't it yesterday when you fled to japan and blocked my number" sunoo joked. they both laughed and talked for a while "my legs are getting tired. i'll just go back inside" sunoo started walking away, but ni-ki grabbed his arm, startling him a little. he pulled sunoo closer, looking at him like he was his one and only.

they were both facing each other now. sunoo waited for ni-ki to say something, but ni-ki was just looking at him "what is it?" sunoo asked "i cant believe i wasted a shit ton of months to say this face to face and i know you already know that, i like you. but i want you to tell me how you feel" ni-ki said.

"w- what? how do i feel? i feel great! the air is cold and i-" sunoo stopped his sentence mid way once he got what the other meant.


"sunoo i dont know if i can keep waiting for you anymore. remember the deal? yeah. the plan was for you to date sunghoon hyung, and you did after a few weeks of trying. i gave you up because i thought it was a way of forgetting my feelings and forgetting you. but i just fell harder. im sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but I've been wanting to get all of this off my chest for so long. i never liked seon hyung okay? i liked you the moment i laid my eyes on you. so yeah it would have never been a win-win like what you said, if i dated seon and you dated sunghoon. isn't it unfair? you'd get to be happy and i wouldn't. and i only agreed to the deal because i wanted to spend time with you" ni-ki explained while looking down.

sunoo was left speechless. he was trying to process everything ni-ki just said "i- uh-" he couldn't utter a word and ni-ki laughed out loud "what?! what's so funny?! you literally just confessed everything!" sunoo scolded "you don't have to say anything. i already know your answer" ni-ki said.

"stop laughing i swear this is so embarrassing!" sunoo covered his blushing face. ni-ki chuckled. he snaked his arms around sunoo's waist and pulled him closer, making both of their bodies touch "stop covering your pretty face" ni-ki giggled. the older did what he was told and smiled.

ni-ki slowly started closing the gap in between them. both of their hearts were beating so fast and loud, they would hear each others heartbeats if it wasn't for the wind and the music playing in the background. sunoo arms then made its way to the youngers neck, also leaning in ever so slowly.

ni-ki smiled before letting both of their lips touch. sunoo responded to the kiss immediately. it felt euphoric. it wasn't their first, but they ignored that and acted like it was. a few seconds later, they pulled away, catching their breaths "mine?" ni-ki interlocked his fingers with sunoo's and attached their foreheads.



ive been wanting to write this chapter for so long 🤠🤡

 win-win | sunki ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang