30: Spells And Secrets

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The repeated noise of the machines seems to put me in a trance. I fall deeply to the rhythmic sound, only to be jostled awake by a sudden cold tingle down my arm.

"Sorry....did I wake you?"

My eyes were slowly directed to Jungkook, who was wearing an expression of worry. He stares at me intensely, the tip of his cold fingers brushing gently and intimately against my skin. I shudder.

At that moment, I couldn't help but stare back intensely at Jungkook's handsome features that I almost forgot to reply.

"Uh, I....no, you didn't wake me up!" my eyes darted everywhere but towards him. For some reason, there seems to be a tense atmosphere around us, and the depth of Jungkook's intense gaze sent tiny tingles down my spine.

He stares at me, as if he wanted to say something.

After a minute or so, Jungkook decides to speak out. "Actually," his eyes finally look away, but this time, out of hesitation. "Jaegyu's also here at the next ward."

"H-huh?" I blinked a few times, confused. Jaegyu's in hospital...?

Jungkook covers his face with his large hand, his ears flushed red. "I mean," he starts to explain. "I couldn't stand him hurting you. So I kind of went crazy in my round against him."

"His ribs are broken, so he's admitted here too."

My eyes almost popped out of my sockets. Ribs? It takes insane strength and force to bypass the protection of the boxing gloves and to break the rib cage. But Jungkook shattered them with his punches.

"Ah.....I kinda feel bad for Jaegyu..." I blurted out, imagining the pain of the ribs.

With that response, Jungkook's eyes flared with amusement. He holds back, before turning away to chuckle slightly.

"W-what's so funny?!" I pouted, hitting him slightly on the back.

"It's..." Jungkook wipes away tears of laughter. "It's just that, normally someone would be happy to know Jaegyu's ribs were broken after what he did to them. But you're here worrying about him."

"You're just so damn adorable, I don't know what to do."

Just then, he notices the blush on my cheeks after hearing what he said. He smirks slightly, before placing a gentle kiss onto my forehead. His hand, which were caressing my face, travels slowly to the bruises on the side of my lip. His eyes seem to tell an expression of pain; observing the bruises down my neck as well.

Before I could register what was happening, Jungkook plunges down on me, gently kissing the spots which I was bruised. He blows on them slightly, sending shudders on my skin.

"Pain, pain, fly away..." He mutters a magic spell, before closing in on my lips.

Jungkook's kisses were absolutely divine. He was such a good kisser; his kiss felt like an insane hurricane, messing and stirring up tingles down my body- senses of pleasure heightened with every touch of his lips. His kisses left me breathless and mind empty.

As he pulls away, he smiles sweetly at me. "Feel better, love?" He asks in a playful manner.

I nodded, face so reddened that I couldn't open my eyes. For some reason, I feel Jungkook's eyes still on me, accompanied with a wry smirk on his lips.

But before we could continue, The door opens slightly, Jimin's head peeking in.

"Soa, are you okay?" He calls out in a worried tone.

I nodded enthusiastically. Jimin's eyes brightened up as he sees my expression, and he skips over to the hospital bed.

"I brought flowers for you!" He smiles, placing a bouquet down onto the side table.

"Huh? Why flowers?" Jungkook's eyebrow raised in slight confusion.

"Oh, this aren't flowers for a patient," Jimin explains with an innocent smile. "These are flowers to congratulate you guys on your relationship."

At that moment, Jungkook and I exchanged looks of shock as Jimin pauses in confusion.

"What?" He tilts his head innocently; looking as confused as us.

"Isn't Soa your girlfriend?"


(Taehyung's POV)

I knew about it.

I knew that there was something going on with Jungkook and Soa, which was why she had to reject my request for a date. But being as kind as she was, she offered to treat me to a meal at the cafeteria.

And I thought I was the most stubborn alpha male of existence, and I knew my heart wanted it- but I said no. It's probably because I knew I didn't want to force someone to hang out with me when they didn't want it.

It still hurts, regardless.

I pondered over my interest over this girl. Before I even could stop myself, I had started to look for her presence since that day, and even spotting her amongst a crowd of people in the Preliminaries.

But there was something else I've spotted, which alarmed me...


While I was at the hospital checking on Soa, I saw her talking to one of the nurses, asking about her information. I suspect that she's suspicious of Soa's gender- and I hid, trying to overhear what they were talking about.

And I was right. The nurse firmly declines her request to know, saying that information of the patients were private.

Haneul then storms off, calling someone on her phone outside the building. She's calling someone to confirm Soa's gender, most likely people that once knew Soa before she enrolled.

This is bad, at this rate...

Without hesitation, I immediately confront her.

"What do you think you're doing?"

A/N: let me know your predictions for the next chapter !

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