18. Spill The Beans

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No way. 

Haneul presses tightly on the red button of the taser, the electric sparks causing a buzzing sound. 

"Oh, don't worry...It won't kill you. I'll just gently tap it on your ugly face so you'll learn a lesson." She says, her ears reddened with anger. 

Fear overtook my senses. Looking closely at the sparks, I can't seem to move. I'm frozen.

As she comes closer to me, I closed my eyes, anticipating the worst, however….

A counter strike.

That's right. The moves were stuck in my head, and I adjusted my position. I can do this— without hurting anyone. My right fist should land exactly at her palm, before retracting and giving a kick to the taser. Somehow, at that moment, I manage to follow my instincts— and…

"Argh!" She groans, the taser dropping to the ground a metre away and spinning on impact. 

Before I could pull her into an arm lock, Taehyung appears from the back door, alarmed. 

"What…." He witnesses the taser behind Haneul and connected the dots. His eyes flared of anger, and he turns towards me.

"Are you alright?" He checks me up and down, to make sure I wasn't burned. 

"I'm fine, it's just—

Suddenly, I see Hanuel from my side view, coming towards us. I blocked Taehyung with my hand, and felt electricity run through my veins. The jolts from the taser cut like a knife— rendering me unable to stand. I fall like a tree branch, my arm tightly clutched in my hand. 

"Hyojoo!" He immediately kneels down, placing a hand on my shoulder. Footsteps resonated across the hallway as Haneul runs off. 

Pain surges through my skin. "Ugh…." I couldn't help but wince. 

"I'll take you to the hospital. Wait here." Taehyung reassures, fishing out his cellphone. But it alarms me, and I grab his hand. 

"No! Don't…" I say, slightly shocked. "I can't go."

"Why can't you?" He asks urgently. 

Oh Shit. 

I couldn't tell him that I'm actually Soa and that my identity will be exposed if I go to the hospital with him. So I whipped up a white lie on the spot. 

"I uh….have a fear of hospitals…" I looked away to avoid his staring eyes. Damn.

Taehyung seems to sigh, his droopy lashes fluttering shut. "Alright. Then let me take you to my house."

When I was about to oppose, he cuts me off. 

"Shut up. It's an emergency, so let's go."

Before I knew it, he carries me up—princess style, to the main road. He calls a cab and soon enough, we were on our way to his house. 

Oh God. Jungkook's gonna kill me. 

However, the pain on my arm was so excruciatingly painful that I couldn't think straight. Taehyung sees that and his face twists into worry, holding my hand tightly.

I stared at him in surprise. 

"I don't know how to help, but I'll just hold it in case you need emotional assurance." He looks away awkwardly, ears reddened. 

I nodded, looking away as well to avoid his gaze. 

The stinging pain turns sore as we reached. He immediately unlocks the door and headed straight to the cabinet where he seemed to store the first aid box. 

"What are you doing? Hurry up and come in." 

I gulped, walking slowly into the apartment. It was small, but cozy, enough for one person to live in. 

He scurries hurriedly as he Google searches how to treat a small taser wound, applying his newly learned knowledge on my arm. I watch as Taehyung focuses on treating me, his eyebrows furrowed together. 

"How does this even work?" He gently examines my arm. 

I exhaled a long winded sigh. "It's fine, I'll do it myself." 

He then watches silently in awe as I treated my hand expertly. 

"How are you….that good in it?" He asks. 

"Are you sure you're a boxer? Boxers need to patch themselves up whenever they get hurt in matches. That's why I—

Oh no. I stop as soon as realisation hits me.

"You...you're a boxer?" He asks softly. 

I laughed nervously, diverting my eyes away from him. "I mean, I do it as a hobby—

"Hey." Taehyung approaches me with his fiery gaze. "You couldn't be….

Soa, right?"

A/N: I wonder how many of you who actually boxes reads the details and clown emoji my ass 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

Next early update will be up on my patreon !

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