4. It Was An Accident

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Park Jimin.

28 tournaments won, 5 lost. Godly player in the world of boxing; only second to Jeon Jungkook. He's a humble one, ranking the top few in world records and known for not bragging about it like the rest. Spectacularly handsome as an added bonus- and I'm not complaining. I was struck with awe as he approached us.

Jimin was topless, adorned with a pair of boxing shorts, and gloves strapped tightly to his wrists. His abdomen had ridges, sculpted by god himself, accompanied with a thin layer of sweat that glistened on his body. Holy cow.

"Hey." he shoots me a friendly smirk, patting me on the back. "Oh...why's your shirt on?"

"Give him a break, not everyone has to box half naked. He's pretty conservative." Jungkook manages a smug grin, putting his arms around me as a friendly gesture. This 'gesture' however- sent my heart racing like no other. He squeezes me tight and nuzzles me playfully, before walking off to the ring. Luckily he wasn't drenched in sweat, or I would be swimming in the ocean by now.

Jimin on the other hand, scans me from top to toe. His intent stare at my profile causes me to paralyze on the spot; his eyes were like cold glaciers, shooting through your very being. If I had to describe him, he would be an ice prince- cold with his glare and sovereign like a ruler. He emitted a sexy, intense aura that surrounded him wherever he went. Oh god, was he a looker.

"You're pretty cute-looking for a boxer." he seemingly flirts at me, leaning back onto the boxing ring. I raised my eyebrows in response, not knowing what to answer- but fortunately, Jungkook saves me from the trouble. "He is cute." He walks over and pats my head with a smile. "Right?"

"Uh, well..." I answered hesitantly, trying my best to not be distracted by his muscles as he towered over me.

"Well, I'm coming over for a match this afternoon. Don't forget." Jimin passes the message to him as he stretches his biceps, seemingly warming up for later. He then leaves, striding over to the next room.

I turned to Jungkook.

"I'm not cute. I'll show you how manly I am." I retorted, but a warmth glowed in Jungkook's eyes, telling me that he doesn't believe it. I jumped over the fiber ropes and into the ring, launching a surprise attack on him. He sees the strike and dodges beautifully to the side, before pulling back to land a hit on me. I dodge- and as I did, I fell forward one step and...

Landed my lips onto his.

Our lips touched. I felt his chest under my shirt, breathing stopped from the shock. Both our eyes were wide open, unable to process the current position at hand. After a while, I immediately pushed back from his grasp, covering my lips with the back of my hand. My heart was beating out of place; and as for Jungkook himself, his ears and cheeks flushed a fluorescent red.

"It.... It was an accident." I noted, so it wouldn't be awkward between us.

He nodded, averting his eyes away from me.

And then there we sat in the ring, not uttering a single word. I swore I heard a racing heartbeat when I was on top of him- but I wasn't sure if it was him or just my thoughts running wild. He wouldn't be flustered over a 'guy' , right?



My heart was racing.

For whatever reason, it was. And it still is, even after the accident happened. I recalled how soft his lips were, and it drove me to madness- there was chaos inside of me, but I'm composed on the outside. Something about him just made me lose myself, my thoughts and my calm; and it was confusing to say the least. I couldn't comprehend how much he resembled a girl, and the way he acted made me feel weird inside. It was a strange feeling...

I tried to lose my thoughts on this, and focused on the matter at hand. He looks at me gently, pulling my hand to gesture me to stand. The contact between our hands sent my heart to an overdrive again. After a while, I concluded-

I must be sick.

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