8. Don't Fall For Him

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This was serious business.

I stood awkwardly— hands by my hips, body straightened and stiff. People who passed might've thought I was a statue; and at that moment I really wanted to be. It wasn't everyday that someone could expose you, your gender, and possibly your life. And that person was here— in front of me....playing with a toy vending machine.

We were right outside the tournament hall. By the pavements lined various machines, each with their own theme. She hovers over them with a finger, picking out a machine of the toy she wanted. My eyes locked with googly eyes of a weird-looking toy— and I instinctively looked away. Just how nervous am I? I was so jittery to the point where I could be someone else's vibrator.

"Eunkyung, uhm..." I walked a tinsy step forward, hoping that she'll hear me. "You see, I'm not actually a crazy fan—

"Crazy? You definitely are." She turns to me, hands folded and brows furrowed. "Who crossdresses just to be with their idol? You've gone too far."

"Wait, it's not that." I try to explain, but she exhales a long winded breath. It was now that I realise I did seem like a rabid fan, but I didn't enroll because I wanted to befriend Jungkook— I did it to learn and be like him.

I try again with my explanation, and this time, she listens.

"Alright, I get it." Her eyes fluttered shut as she nods. "But for your sake— a little advice. You shouldn't fall for him."

My eyes widened at her statement. "I don't like him that way—

"If you fall for him, you're bound to face lots of obstacles. He's a famous figure. Just be aware of that, and if you do fall for him anyway, be prepared." She turns the knob on the machine, and a bright blue ball rolls out of the hole. I watch silently as she opens the plastic egg, before my ear canal bursts from a piercing scream.

"T-this...." She falls to her knees dramatically, placing the ball on an imaginary pedestal. "The limited edition toy...!"

"Uh...congratulations?" I respond.

"Congratulations, my ass! You should be worshipping me now that I got the one of the legendaries. It's one in a thousand— and I own it. Call me Sir I Own The Legendary Toy." her lips curve up to a cheeky grin.

"Sir I Own The Legendary Toy, I have to get going." my eyes caught sight of the clock in the shop nearby. "I'll see you later!"

After receiving a nod, I made my way to the waiting room in the tournament hall— where Jungkook was waiting for me. As I turn the knob, his smile from earlier causes my heart to skip; and I freeze.

"Hey." a sudden voice from behind startles me. "You're here."

Jungkook had changed into a white shirt which wrapped tightly around his built body— a slightly sexy look. My eyes landed onto the thin translucent fabric, and gulped. The words from Eunkyung then resonates in my mind, and I stop looking. Just what am I doing? I even said that I came here to learn sports, but this isn't helping.

"Soa?" He repeats my name, before playfully snuggling me. "Earth to Soa!"

When I felt his strong body pressed against mine, my mouth lets out a small yelp. Jungkook tilts his head at the sound, his chain earrings dangling slightly. "What? So cute." He smiles.

It was my cue to blush. Jungkook realises my reddened cheeks, and his own ears begin to flush red as well. He covers his face, averting his gaze to the side. "Sorry." He says softly.

The two of us stood in silence, tension rising in the air. Eunkyung's voice begins to repeat in my head again, and I distance myself a little.

"Jungkook, school starts soon right? How about we train again tomorrow, and then get ready for class?" I suggested, trying to ease the atmosphere. His eyes lit up at my statement, and he slides a hand into mine.

"Just the two of us?" He asks.

Fall for him, and there will be consequences.

"No, let's invite Jimin too." I smile, tightening my hand in his.

His eyes seem to boil down to disappointment. "Oh...okay."

My chest tightens when I see his disappointment. Somehow, regret begin to fill my senses— but I know it's the right thing to do. Afterall, even if I liked him...

He won't like me back.


My chest hurts a little.

I wasn't sure what was the cause of it. But ever since Soa came, my feelings have been a rapid tide— it's sometimes a calm storm, or a thunder wave. And today, I couldn't help but feel disappointed when she mentioned to invite Jimin. Her smile when she says that— it annoys me, which is surprisingly as her smile often lightens up my mood.

When she smiles, a flutter overcomes my heart, and my face feels so hot. So very hot. Like a fever— but a nice one.

I was still deep in thought when a pat on my back interupts me.

It's Jimin hyung. He's dressed in fashionable attire, and girls were fawning over him. Somehow— Soa's words from earlier repeats in my head, and annoyance takes over.

"What do you want?" I reacted in a dull voice.

"Woah? What happened?" Jimin chuckles at my irritated expression. "Somebody tickled your dick?"

"Hyung, does girls like fashionable boys?" I ask, Soa's face in mind.

"Why? Do you want a girl to like you?" Jimin replies in shock. "You're actually interested in girls?"

"Stop it. Tell me how to be attractive, please." I take his hand off my back.

"Well...If you really want someone to fall for you," His lips begin to turn up into a smile. "Then..."

"Kiss her."

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