16. Disguised

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Author's Note: I would recommend rereading the book before this chapter as I haven't updated in a long time. It contains information needed in previous chapters.


Haneul is up to no good.

"W...what do you mean by that?....." I ask, heart heavy of dread. Somehow, I feel alarmed by her statement.

"My boyfriend, Kim Namjoon of the boxing department, told me this. Haneul was once Jungkook's club manager. They never dated, but things took a wrong turn." Eunkyung elaborates. "She led him on, broke his heart, and proceeded to date the boxer that defeated him."

My heart dropped. Haneul wasn't a sweet girl like I imagined. She had hurt, manipulated and threw Jungkook to the side. My fists begin to ball up in anger.

"But how....how do I stop him from going?" I asked frantically.

"That....I have a plan." Eunkyung smiles.


"Are you sure?" I question for the sixth time, and Eunkyung rolls her eyes.

"I'm sure. They'll never recognise you." She replies.

My eyes automatically darted to the mirror, slightly surprised by my reflection. Black, luscious locks flow down my shoulder, accompanied with  makeup that totally transformed my face. I tug slightly at my wig, only to be smacked by Eunkyung.

"No adjusting of the wig. Rule number one." She instructed.

Who knew? It was a few days after we met at the nurse's office— she's been explaining to me what our plan of action was until the club meetup, and strictly told me to keep it a secret from Jungkook. The next thing I know, I'm sitting next to her makeup vanity and dressing up as a girl.

"Listen. When we get there, I'll have to explain to them that you're my good friend. They will most likely let you in, since this is a casual meetup. Get to Jungkook asap and try to distract him away from the party. Good luck." She pats my back.

I nodded. Changing into my outfit, I took one final look in the mirror before heading out with Eunkyung.

The road to the meetup was dreadful. Not only was I anxious about appearing as a girl again, but having to distract him was another problem. I fiddled my fingers together in worry and anticipation for what's next.

"Stay here first." Eunkyung whispers to me before heading into the room with Namjoon.

One minute. Two. Three minutes pass and I haven't heard from her. I decide to peek into the room.

From a distance, I could see Jungkook conversing with another man. He adorns a sports attire, with a number and his name at the back, 'Kwon Jaegyu'.

"Alright, let me get some more drinks." I hear a voice from behind the door before it swings open, and we locked eyes.


He stares at me for a second, before a slight flush occupies his cheeks. "Oh, uhm. Sorry. I didn't see anyone back here." He apologizes.

I blinked a few times. He must not have recognised me with the get-up. With this, I take the chance and grab his hand, pulling him away from the crowd.

When we get to a corridor with vending machines, I corner Taehyung to the wall, slowly inching closer to him....

"I..Uh....." He stammers, blushing profusely.

"Look. Do me a favour," I plead, hands placed together. "Distract Kwon Jaegyu for a moment, please?"

"The infamous boxer?..." He stares at me with a slight smile. "Sure, but I have one condition."

"Which is...?" I raised my brows.

"Go on the date with me, won't you?" He tilts his head playfully, examining me.

I gulped. What the hell is he doing?

"Fine. But you have to distract him, okay?" I demand, and he nods.

Oh God. It slowly dawned on me that I promised a date with my friend without him knowing it's me.

Taehyung fishes out his phone, before asking me for my number. I almost spit out my dinner— my number? I guess I had no choice.

"Your phone." I held out my palm, and he places his phone on it, in which I inputted my number in the contacts.

"Han Hyojoo? Nice name." He complimented, not knowing that I just inputted some random-ass name I generated in my head.

After the exchange, Taehyung heads back to the room without hesitation. I watched from outside as Jaegyu walks to the back door with him.

It was my cue. I went in.

Then, it was like a scene from damn Cinderella— everyone was looking straight at me. Including Jungkook.

My heels weren't helping as I walked over to him, heart pumping and knees wobbling. Still, I made sure to remain calm and carry out my goal— distract him and get him the hell out of here. Luckily, he already seemed distracted.

Jungkook examines me closely, his eyes flaring with familiarity. When he realises it's me, his expression turned to shock and a flush of red occupies his cheeks.

"You..." He covers his mouth, too shy to talk.

"Jungkook. It's a lot to explain, but please come with me?" I slip my hand in his, only to be pried away.

"Who are you?" Haneul appears, slightly irritated.

Jungkook immediately notices and wraps his arm around my waist gently, and protectively.

"She's..." He pauses.

"...My girlfriend."


A/N: coming up: more trouble, more scenes with dressed up Soa and Taehyung!

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