15. Up To No Good

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"I never avoided you." my soft voice which was laiden with confusion seems to puzzle him as well.

"You....were being all friendly to Taehyung before class, and you sat right next to him. Isn't that avoiding?" Jungkook stares intently at me, eager for my answer.

"That....." I couldn't deny it. Although I was looking at him the whole time, I tried to avoid him at all costs. I didn't even understand why I did that.

"Don't do that." He leans over me, eyes gazing on mine.

"Do what?"

"Be close to Taehyung." He diverts his eyes to the side, a slight flush on his cheeks. "I mean— he's new, we don't know much about him yet...."

Is he...jealous? Like the way I am with Haneul?

"It can't be that he's jealous...." I mumured to myself, but he seems to catch it. Jungkook leans down to me to try to hear it— a dangerous move. His muscular arms were propped next to me, with his body pressed closely on mine.

"You're a little close, Jungkook...." I closed my eyes tightly, expecting him to move away in consideration. Instead, he comes down onto me, lips pressed intimately onto my neck.

"I'm jealous, alright. Does that answer your question..?" He pulls away, staring deep into my eyes. Oh God. The way he stared at me— it was perpetual lust, the longing for something....from me. Like a predator. Like a hunter about to go hunting. I shudder, knees weak at his gaze.

And then it happened.

The strong tension, accompanied by the warmth of his skin, we were in a trance. He kisses me— slightly brushing his lips against mine, and I fell into a enclosed madness. The way he morphs his lips so lightly yet passionately with mine; it spoke of levels of divine I could never comprehend. Warm and cold, cold and warm... He teases me before going full force on the kiss. And when he pulled back, glistening sweat laid like a perfect painting on his naked upper body from our make out session. Jungkook examines me, breathing heavily.

He leans in, suggesting for another round. At this point— my senses and thoughts were thrown out of the window, and I just closed my eyes.

By the time we finished, Jungkook was a hot mess, and so was I. Silence took over both of us before Jungkook initiated a word.

"It's...the end of the assessment. I should go." He averted his eyes away from me, ears the colour of a scarlet dawn.


By the time I had processed that we shared a kiss, the sun was already setting. I sat groggily on the bed, kicking off the sheets as I soothed my thundering headache. I must've slept here after thinking for so long.

As I was about to leave the nurse's office, I turned around to see Eunkyung leaning on the door frame, looking straight at me.

"E-Eunkyung..? Why are you here?!" I exclaimed, only to be shut off by her hand covering my mouth.

"Shut up. People will see that I sneaked in here." She instructed, and I nod.

"Anyways, you sure got yourself in a whole lot of drama. I heard Jungkook's going back to the club meeting." She gets comfortable on the nurse's chair, wheeling it around the room.

"Where do you even get your information from?" I asked, genuinely curious. But Eunkyung shushes me.

"I have my connections, honey bun. Like I said, count me as your information broker." She says, before her expression turns serious. Eunkyung gets up and walks towards me, staring harshly.

"W-what?" I begin to break out in cold sweat.

"You fell for him, didn't you." She sighs, crossing her arms. "And after all that I told you."

"I did, but did you come here just to tell me that?"

"Nah. I'm here for my boyfriend. He stays in this school too." She chuckles. "Anyway, don't let him go to that meeting. I have a lot to explain, but you shouldn't let him go."

"W-why...?" I ask.

"Because...." Eunkyung stares deeply at me.

"Haneul is up to no good."

A/N: uh oh

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