22: Open Class

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I shudder.

His fingers, that were cold to the touch, travelled down my arm to my navel, where he plants intimate kisses on my stomach. As he reaches in to my bandages, I clenched my toes and hands, preparing for it...and-

A knock on the door, before it swung right open.

The two of us rolled down the bed together, hitting the bottom of the chair next to the desk. Jungkook rubs the back of his head with a pained expression before shooting a glare at Jimin, who was standing by the door.

"What? I knocked this time." He retorts, but cowers back again when Jungkook gives him another death stare.

"Anyways, you guys seem to sleep together alot!" His eyes crinkled into a smile. " I'm glad you guys are getting along! "

"Why are you even here?" Jungkook sits up, rubbing the back of his neck to ease the pain from earlier. Jimin seems to ignore his irritated expression.

"Guess what guys?" The elder's lips curved up into a wry smile.

"What." Jungkook replied, annoyed. "Somebody broke your dick, I hope."

"Nah-uh! Something good happened." Jimin folds his arm cheekily. "I'm not going to tell you unless you speak the magic word."

"Fuck. Off." The younger responds.

"That's two words, but okay." Jimin puts up both hands with a shrug. "Apparently the three of us just got into the preliminaries and are excused from classes."

He then turns to walk away as Jungkook wished, but the younger immediately stops him by throwing a pillow at Jimin.

"Wait. What did you just say?"

"Preliminaries. We all got accepted into the boxing preliminaries." He replies.

Preliminaries? Me? The shittiest boxer to ever exist, got in?

I yelped, not thinking much of my feminine voice that came out of my lips. I hugged Jungkook tightly, in which he seems to react softly to me.

"Me! I got into the boxing preliminaries! It's my dream to get into the country's preliminary round!"

"I'm happy for you." Jungkook, who usually gets in anyway, smiles softly.

"Oi oi. Quit flirting and get to work! Meet me at the boxing ring at 5. We have training to do." Jimin shoots a knowing smile at us before leaving.


When the both of us reached the ring, others were also practicing for the event. I soon caught sight of one group that seems to be staring and pointing at us.

"Hey..that weak looking guy..he got in too?"

"Yeah, probably because he has connections with the top boxer in our school, Jungkook. How fucking lucky."

Hearing their obvious banters and whispers, my heart seems to fall at their comments. I didn't mind that they underestimated me, but to tarnish Jungkook's reputation, it was what bothered me the most.

But the only thing I can do to solve this is to be stronger.

"I'll train till I drop today, so please teach me everything you know!" I stared with determination at Jungkook, who seemed surprised at my sudden energy. He nods, trying his best to resist from touching me.

I make my way to the notice board, where they displayed the weight class.* As expected, Jungkook fell into a heavier class even though he's not relatively heavy. That meant that he was a very skillful boxer.

(Weight class is a category of boxers that weigh a certain amount. It is created to distribute fairness amongst boxers that may not weigh more than others, which thus, prevent them from getting overwhelmed by a heavier boxer. )

As I go down the list to find my name, I get more and more anxious as I couldn't find it. I should be in lightweight, but...


I find my name at the very top of the Open Class list, where extremely skillful boxers were usually listed- to my shock.

And there were only three names.

Han Soa, Jeon Jungkook and....

Kwon Jaegyu.


A/N: hope y'all didn't forget this was a boxing fic 👁️👄👁️

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