Chapter 2 - Directions

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"You are such a simp." James laughs while shaking his head like he couldn't comprehend what I just did.

Maybe my comment was a bit risky, but isn't that what brings one further in life.

"As if you can blame me," I respond, "Did you see how she looked?"

Keeping my voice a bit lower than usual, we bypass some other students that previously sat in the class.

Rumors spread like wildfires here and even though I'm not one to hide from the attention, the circumstances would be rather unpleasant when Ms. Hathaway would overhear them.

"I guess. You know she is not really my type." He shrugs his shoulders.

At that, I gasp dramatically and stop him from walking any further by grabbing him at his arm.

"Gay or straight, whoever does not find her attractive must be blind."

"Y/n, you need to see the positive in it, the more gay dudes exist, the lesser competitors you have."

His response satisfies me. Remembering the times when he wasn't sure of his interests, I get a feeling of contentment, knowing how comfortable he is nowadays.

I lose my grip from his shirt and we continue to walk down the hallway to our lockers.

"So what are your plans for today. Seeking any more trouble."

Humming in thought, I tap my finger against my lips.

"I didn't think of anything yet. I'm not really in the mood for partying tonight. Even though I love it, I think I'll hang out at my dorm and try to be on time tomorrow."

James looks at me dumbly.

"Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?"

I only scoff at him and roll my eyes.
Deep down I know that's all unusual for me, but my mother's words still ring painfully in my ear. The words I couldn't tell him last night because of how vulnerable they made me feel.

Your father would be so disappointed in you when he saw how you threw away your life like that. Is that how you thank us for all the trouble we went through, so you could have a proper education. We believed in you, but you're only a big disappointment.

My heart clenches painfully at the memory and I try to block it out by smiling at James, who still looks a bit confused but thankfully doesn't notice my emotionless eyes.

"I certainly don't want to miss my new favorite class." I cheer myself up by looking forward to it and it helps to know I will spend my least favorite subject with the new Professor.

"Whatever. But we will go out this week. Can't let you molder in your room." He smiles at me, stopping at his locker and opening it to put his stuff inside.

I lean against it, crossing my arms and side eye him.

"I promise."

We go our separate ways, me having a class in politics and he in marketing.

Usually I'm interested in politics but despite how hard I try I can't block out the voice of my mother talking down on me.

Still not being able to focus due to the memories of the phone call last night, I end up drawing little sketches in my notebook.


Laying in the grass, I let myself soak in the sunshine while I pull at the grass out of boredom. A still ongoing habit from my childhood.

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