Chapter 66 - Happiness

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Lizzie offered her students a repetition lesson, wanting to help us prepare for the last exam as good as possible. It is in everyone's best interest to pass the exam with flying colors.

The previous professor is still not working, complaining about still lingering back pains and saying that he needs more time to get better. Therefore, Lizzie will most likely end the semester with us, never before having to prepare a course for their last exam.

Hence, she might want to do her best; no other professor of mine is so determined to guide their students like she is.

Lizzie moves around the large round table, helping everyone who seems stuck on a task. I lean over the desk, resting my chin on my palm as I write some notes besides the given text.

I peel my gaze away from my papers, watching the blonde halt at Florence's seat. With interested eyes, I observe the small encounter between them as Lizzie reads through her papers. Her fingernails tap against the surface of the desk, listening to Florence's explanation to her answers.

Florence gives me a tiny grin, rolling her eyes before averting her gaze back to her papers. I quietly chuckle, finding it amusing that deep down she just rolled her eyes because of my girlfriend.

Pushing the thoughts away, I fully focus my attention back on my work. With each day, my understanding over the subject gets better, the previous worries for the upcoming exam ebbing away.

I freeze as my nose picks up her presence behind me, feeling her lean against the table. Her fingers are only inches beside me, blonde strands falling over her shoulders. The rings on her fingers blink in the light, attention fully crumbling at the sight.

Lizzie inches the written paper of the previous task closer to her, reading through it. Not able to concentrate on anything else besides her, I wait for her response, heart jumping at every little hum she lets out.

"This is excellent, y/n." She taps her finger against the paper.

Pressing my lips together, doubt creeps over my skin, not believing her words. Maybe she only said it to make me feel better, not wanting to hurt my feelings.


"Yeah, well done." Lizzie whispers, her voice low, reminding me of another way she uses this undertone. 

"Fuck, you're such a good girl for me."

I scold my body for reacting like this to her praise. Clenching my thighs together, hoping to ease the tingling, I let out a soft sound of thanks. As if feeling the light grin on her lips, I turn my head to the side, breath catching in my lungs as my nose takes in a deep inhale of her perfume.

Her black lashes flutter, my throat running dry as the appropriate distance between our faces feels closer than in reality. Lizzie notices the goosebumps appearing over my naked thighs, jaw clenching as her fingers twitch.

"Thanks." I breathe out, hypnotized by her unbelievably bright eyes.

Her beauty still takes my breath away, like the first day I saw her entering the lecture hall. I believe that I can never get used to it, always too shocked about the fact that she is truly mine.

"Eyes stay focused on me, baby. I want to see those pretty eyes."

Lizzie doesn't reply, staying in this position as my stomach grows warm under her attentive eyes. There's a glint in her eyes that shows me how much she enjoys this little something happening between us. I bite down on my tongue, holding myself back from doing something that I would definitely regret later.

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