Chapter 59 - Family Dinner

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Lizzie's POV

A week passed by, every day spent with each other. The only difference is the woman constantly roaming around the house, brightly grinning at her knowledge about our relationship.

Aubrey has changed a lot since catching us in the closet, strangely being delighted with the discovery and spending every minute of the day reminding me of how happy she is for us. But not before giving me the talk about me trying to hide the relationship, address the action as dumb and "how the hell do you not trust me with this, Liz?".

As it turned out, she already had known it for weeks, feeling that something was off about me. The conversation with y/n when I was away only confirmed her suspicion.

"Do you have everything packed or do you need anything else, sweetheart?" Y/n takes a look inside the bedroom, hair pulled in a bun, with her front strands adorably falling out of it. "If not, I would carry the suitcases downstairs."

My heart jumps as I hear her voice, turning around in the chair and nodding, giving her a bright smile. "Yeah, everything is ready. I'll be with you downstairs in just a minute, darling."

She softly hums, giving me a quick kiss on the top of my head as she walks past me to the bed, picking up the suitcases. Hearing her rumble down the stairs, I lean my head back against the chair, taking a look at the scenery outside.

Oh, I hope everything is going to run smoothly.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't anxious about y/n meeting my family.. It's a big step, after all. Thankfully my father won't be in the city, having an important business meeting out of the country, but still even meeting my mother was enough to make my heart race.

Will she like them, or is she going to flee like Sienna did all those years ago?

My throat closes up, the reminder of the past still too present in my skin. During the previous days, flashbacks of the difficult times became more frequent, unintentionally bringing me back to the lowest point in my life.

I blamed it on the upcoming event, the steps all too similar to my past relationship. The thought only proved to me that this time it's different—desperately clinging onto that trail of thought—trying to live in the here and now.

Everything will be alright..

The ringing of my phone brings me back into reality, slightly jumping in the chair.

Answering the call, I try to sound as cheerful as possible, needing to cover my previous thoughts with a smile even though she can't see it. "Hey, Makayla."

"Sweet baby sister, I heard that you're coming back home tomorrow? Tell me if Al lied to me again, or are you actually visiting us for dinner."

Rolling my eyes, hearing the doubt in my sister's voice, I let out a dry chuckle. "Of course it's true. Did you forget, I promised you that I'll visit you this holiday."

"How come? You never actually meant it before, dear, always making up an excuse at the last minute, so you wouldn't meet dad."

"Well, dear, this time it's different, trust me. Besides, our father isn't in the country, so I don't have anything to worry about."

"Mhm, different, huh?," she teases, “So.. You’re bringing her with you?"

I smile, a soft blush spreading over my skin as the silence hangs between us, which is enough for her.

“Omg you’re blushing! I can see it through the phone, Lizzie." She cheers, her wide grin visible before my eyes. “Well now I totally have to come to dinner.”

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