Chapter 50 - The talk

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"Since when do you want to hang out with me all the time, it's making me question your state of mind." James asks, giving me a concerned look. "Please, don't tell me you have a crush on me, I'd throw up."

"Not just you." I huff, making a gagging sound at the thought of it. "Am I not allowed to spend some quality time with my best friend?"

James shakes his head, sitting up on his bed and giving me a disapproving look. "Not when you're clearly avoiding something by spending all your time with me. You know, a little bird named Kim told me you were in a sour mood, wanna tell me what happened?"

I rub my temple, exhaling softly, leaning back against the wall. "She just got on my nerves last night. But I know that I behaved a little too strongly, considering that she's only worried about me."

"At least you know that it wasn't right to talk to her that way." James clicks his tongue. "Then apologize to her, she seemed clearly troubled when she talked to me about your fight."

"I will, I promise." I nod, looking at the ceiling. Remembering the fight, my thoughts automatically drift to Lizzie, the familiar ache settling in my heart. "James, I need your advice on something."

He looks up from his book. "Yea, like you take it."

"I do, occasionally," I grin.

"So what is it?" James asks, laying his book to the side, and moves all the attention to me.

"It's know who," I begin.

James rolls his eyes, motioning to the surrounding room. "You know that we are alone. This is a safe place, y/n, you can speak her name. So what happened with her?"

"That's the problem, nothing new happened."

"Trouble in paradise, then?" He grins, raising a brow.

"No." I shake my head but lean my head back against the wall, stopping my movements. "Yes." James chuckles and I place my head inside my palms, not even able to describe my emotions. "Maybe?"

"You want to tell me what's bothering you?" He gives me a comforting smile, leaning his chin on his palm. "I'm actually a great listener."

I swallow, not knowing if I should really tell him what's on my mind. My thoughts go in all different directions, starting with my mother and ending with Lizzie. Eventually, I allow them to.

"It's dumb...but it's about the stuff you told me about her family," I sigh, "She just never mentioned it before. Not that I ever asked her, but I met her sisters at the gala. Actually, I think I even saw her father too, but she told me to stay away while she talked to him." I breathe out, hiding my face behind my open hands. "I don't know why I feel like this."

"Why not just ask her about it?" James asks, scooting a bit closer.

"I don't know if it's that simple for her. She must have had a reason for not telling me," I explain.

"I see. Maybe she had her reasons." James raises a brow, looking at me questionably. "But ignoring her would solve that problem?"

I sigh, dropping my shoulders. Knowing that he has a good point, I press my lips together, doubts clouding my mind. "What if she tells me that she doesn't want to introduce me to her family? I- I'm just scared of what she is going to say. "

Or what she isn't going to say.

James looks at me silently, noticing my unsure state of mind. "You really like her, don't you?"

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