Chapter 30 - Between classes

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The next morning I sit in her class, head resting on my hand, trying to pay attention to the lecture.

That's easier said than done.

My mind always drifts off to yesterday's affairs. Whenever I close my eyes, I see her before me, dark eyes staring down on me with this lazily smile grazing her lips. I shake my head every time my thoughts become too much, the feeling in my stomach not helping me concentrate at all.

Besides that, Lizzie doesn't even try to be a little more discreet around me. Every so often her eyes drift over me, a hidden smirk behind them, the action not seeming inappropriate in the eyes of my classmates who believe she is only passionate about her subject.

"God, this is even worse than last time." James groans quietly, making me turn my head in his direction.

I furrow my brows. "What do you mean?"

"You're practically undressing her with your eyes... in front of the whole class." He whispers, subtly pointing with his finger between me and Lizzie, raising an eyebrow. "And, let me add, not very discreetly."

"Can you blame me?," I chuckle, "When I know what's under it."

James makes a gagging sound, rolling his eyes. "Don't remind me. I still want to look at her without being reminded of your shenanigans."

"Then don't mention it."

James leans closer, eying the students around us so no one would overhear our conversation. "I still can't believe you are so smitten around her. Since when do you like to be ordered around?"

"Oh, you would too if you would be in my place. Besides, you are just the same. Do I need to remind you off that one time when-"

"Shush. Don't you dare say it, you promised me to never bring it up again," James whispers.

I lean forward, looking to the front again. "Then stop bringing up that talk while we are in class."

The rest of the lesson flies by without any more side comments from James, leaving me alone to stare at my professor, getting lost in thoughts again.


Louis leans against the lockers, tugging his hands in his jeans pockets. "Have you noticed how weird Ms Hathaway was acting during class?"

I try to act nonchalant. "Oh, did she? Haven't noticed anything unusual."

Oh, yes, I noticed it. And let me say I loved seeing her like that.

When she stumbled over a few words during her lecture, she looked slightly embarrassed. Or how her eyes got this mischievous twinkle when she looked at me before instantly breaking eye contact, carrying on with the lesson like nothing happened.

Louis sighs loudly. "Now you are acting odd, too."

I shake my head at him, composing myself again. "No I don't."

"What were you just thinking about, huh?" James asks, raising a brow. He must've joined us while I was daydreaming, now standing beside me with a wide grin on his face.

"Oh, I was just reminded about that one time I walked into you-"

"Alright! I don't need to know." James interrupts me, a chuckle escaping my lips at seeing him so embarrassed.

"Really? I thought you wanted to know?"

James shakes his head, putting the books in his locker, avoiding my eyes. "No. I don't care anymore. Now let's go to the cafeteria, I'm dying out of hunger."

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