Chapter 65 - Truth

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Lizzie's POV

I clutch the pillow tightly to my chest, the fabric wet under my cheek. The river of tears doesn't go away, continuing to flow down my skin as my chest tightens painfully.

The flashes of the night all those years ago don't leave my mind; her words still ringing loudly in my ears. I don't have any idea how much time has passed since the phone call, time blurring into an endless void of emptiness.

"I'm on my way."

My ears perk up as I hear the front door opening, my heartbeat easing a bit as my fingers try to wipe the obvious tear stains off my skin.

The sounds of footsteps coming up the staircase makes me sit up on the bed, trying to look not as broken as I feel. My eyes flicker to the door, seeing her walk inside with careful steps.

My heart instantly beats a bit faster, my arms tingling to reach out for her. She blinks, trying to adapt her eyes to the dark bedroom.

The room is tinted black except for the moonlight streaming through the white curtains, mirroring the darkness within me and the light she brings with her presence.


Y/n slowly moves forward, a worried gaze in her face as she mustered me. I hug my knees a bit tighter, biting down on my tongue to hold myself back to burst out in tears again.

The lump in my throat doesn't disappear, feeling like somebody's hands are clutching around my neck.

"I'm so sorry for calling you so late at night." I look up from the bed, letting her see the way my eyes glimmer with unshed tears. "I know you need your sleep more than ever; I'm sorry."

"Shh, it's okay." She shakes her head, sitting down beside me on the bed. "You don't have to apologize, Lizzie. I actually couldn't sleep anyway.."

Because of earlier.

She doesn't say it, but her silent words still ring in my head. The reminder of what I did only makes another wave of sorrow crush down on me. I bite down on my lip, eyes becoming glassy again as the corner of her lips turn down.

"I hate seeing you like this." Y/n reaches for my hand, and I don't pull away again. “What is wrong, Lizzie?”

“I- I made a terrible mistake.” I whisper, voice shaking as my lips tremble. "I pushed you away, something I promised myself to never do."

She presses a kiss against my forehead, thumbs rubbing over my skin. "It's okay, baby. I know you had something on your mind, making you act like this."

I shake my head, my throat closing up again as my fingers press into her sweater. "N-no it's not okay, it's not. You didn't do anything wrong; I did. I always do.. I never wanted to act like that."

"I'm not angry with you, Liz. I was just a bit confused, nothing more." Y/n whispers, her voice soft as she gently loses the harsh grip of my fingers on her sweater. "I could never be angry at you, that's far too impossible."

"But I am." I close my eyes, heart clenching together as she looks at me; sadness shimmering in her eyes. "Can you just hold me for a moment?"

"Always, as long as you need me to." She whispers, carefully slipping under the covers beside me.

Her arm wraps around my waist, a little smile on her lips as she rubs our noses together. "I promised you that I will remember.. I'll never let you go, my love."

Those words break me, thick tears streaming down my face. Y/n runs her hands soothingly over my back, pressing me tightly against her chest. Burying my nose in her neck, breathing in her scent that smells of home, I let myself fall, knowing that she is here to catch me.

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