Chapter 38 - New York

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"Have you ever been to New York before?" Lizzie asks, eyes not leaving the magazine that she is reading.

We are currently sitting on the flight to New York, the first half of the flight already behind us. The college didn't seem to be short on money, so they paid for first class tickets, even booking the extra seat that Lizzie asked for.

I shrug, averting my attention from the small window to look at her. "No, never got the chance. My family was never a fan of the big cities, and I spent most of my time at home or in the mountains for family trips."

The mention of the trips reminds me of all the beautiful memories I've got to experience before everything went downhill. For a few seconds, memories of the last summer with my dad flash before my eyes, his bright grin with his joyful laugh ringing in my ears.

The happy memory comes like a welcomed stranger through the door, suddenly present and lighting up my mood. I come back to reality, staring at Lizzie with a truthful smile. "But I wouldn't want it any other way."

She nods in understanding, flipping to the next page. I raise a brow as she doesn't seem to question me any further. "What about you?"

Lizzie stops reading and looks up from the magazine. "Well I spent most of my childhood switching places every few years because of my father's job," she explains, "New York was one of them and I lived there for about one year before I went there to university."

My eyes widen in shock, crooking a brow. "You went to study in New York?"

Lizzie laughs, nodding her head. "Yes. I studied at NYU."

I whistle playfully, not thinking that she visited such a top university. "Wow. I knew you were bright but-"

"But?" Lizzie interrupts me, shoving me against the shoulders. "Don't even dare to finish that sentence, darling, or you'll be spending the next few days on the floor."

I laugh, biting down on my bottom lip, leaning a bit closer to whisper my next words in her ear quietly. "Even though I didn't mind the last time I laid on your carpet, I usually prefer the bed. Most specifically yours."

Lizzie rolls her eyes, not responding, and turns back to her magazine. Her hair is loosely pulled together in a low bun, her curtain bangs framing her face. I let my eyes roam over her as she quietly reads her magazine, my stomach fluttering softly.

When I feel a stupid small grin edges itself on my lips I shake my head hoping to get my thoughts straight.

I lean a bit closer, gazing down at the pages to understand what keeps her so interested. Trying to read the small text, I move my head further down, making Lizzie exhale loudly. "What do you need, darling? If you want to read the magazine, you can just ask."

"I'm bored," I groan, "Talk to me and give me attention." I softly whine as Lizzie looks at me with amused eyes.

Grinning as Lizzie places the magazine back to the front seat I move a bit to the side to look at her more comfortably.

"What do you want to talk about?" Lizzie asks, mirroring my position.

I hum, trying to think of something. "When was the last time you've been there?"

"A few months ago. I had a meeting last time, but this time I'll be showing you the city." Lizzie smiles, one hand tracing small patterns on my jeans. I look at her fingers, an oddly warm feeling spreading through my body.

"But isn't it freezing this time around, Lizzie?" I ask, knowing that New York can get quite cold this time of the month.

Lizzie softly chuckles, bringing my hand to her face to kiss the back of my hand. "I won't let you freeze, don't worry. I'll keep you warm, I promise." Her eyes sparkle as she lowers my hand back to my lap, continuing to trace circles over my thigh. "Besides, you don't want to leave the city without trying the best hot chocolate ever made."

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