05 | 𝐀𝐒𝐊 𝐌𝐄

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It had been a week since you last had a full conversation with Iwaizumi. He had volleyball practice almost everyday after school while you were busying yourself cramming information from your textbooks into your head.

You wished that you had an opportunity to talk to him, even just for a few minutes, but you didn't want to distract yourself―you especially didn't want to distract Iwaizumi. After hearing what Iwaizumi said to you in your homeroom made you set up an invisible boundary, and you knew that if you crossed the line, you would find yourself with him soon enough.

Mornings in homeroom felt different as well. Iwaizumi hadn't waited for you after class to exchange any words, and you tried your best not to look back at him during class where he was seated with his best friend.

Lunch had always been the same. You sat with Tae while the volleyball team all sat together near the corner of the cafeteria.

It wasn't until you got a text message from an unknown number. It was early in the night, and you were studying as usual. The sound of your phone's ding! breaks your train of thought. You look at your screen with confusion when you see a message from an unknown number. You unlock your phone and read the text.

Unknown Number
hey it's iwa. got ur number from ur friend. txt me when u see this

Of course, you thought, Tae wouldn't hesitate to give the ace my number if he asked. Tae had always been quite a fangirl of the volleyball team―she had been one of Oikawa's biggest fangirls, making sure to always attend their games and watching their practice matches after school, and even going as far as baking him cookies and making him origamis―but her obsession with the team had been genuine and out of pure love and admiration.

It was the thought of having the ace of Aoba Johsai text you at such a late hour that made your stomach turn.

You place your thumbs on the keyboard and type away. To your surprise, Iwaizumi was a fast replier, almost as though he hadn't put down his phone and was waiting for every one of your responses.


Text Message
Today 22:41

Iwa what r u doing
w my number

I can't stop thinking about u.
Just wanna know
how u've been keepin up n all

Was studying until
you interrupted

Oh... sorry bout that

It's okay. Hows
volleyball going for u?

It's alright, but i think
oikawa hurt his knee again🙄
Says he's gonna cancel our practice after school tmrrw

Oh my. How is he?

He's doing fine ig.
He won't respond to any of my messages though.
The little bastard
I think he's talking to
a girl tho bc he always has
a stupid grin on his face

𝐌𝐘 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 • iwaizumi x reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now