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The last days before finals are spent studying and desperately trying to get back on track. Trinity suggested forming a small study group with you, Tae, Iwaizumi, and Oikawa. The idea seemed more like a distraction at first, but when the five of you managed to make a study schedule and actually shared notes, you found it to be more beneficial.

Long hours during the day were spent in the library while group FaceTime calls became a part of your evening routine. It was nice having a group of people to fall back on; it brought the five of you closer. Even with the occasional banter and jokes, you still covered most of the material.

Before exams, you wished each other good luck, and right after everyone was dismissed, you would discuss and compare answers immediately. Luckily, you were all able to pass and successfully make it to graduation.

Even though the idea of graduating seemed exciting, the actual ceremony was dull. It was organized and bland. Students lined up in the gymnasium, all dressed in the same plaid uniforms, and received diplomas.

Jo, being your only invited guest, made sure to visit and be the loudest in the crowd when your name was announced. He watched proudly as you collected your diploma, and his eyes even got a little teary.

After the ceremony, Oikawa introduced you to his sisters, his mother, and even his father. Meeting his entire family was odd, only knowing them from small stories he told you. Tae's parents congratulated you on your accomplishments, and Trinity introduced you to her little brother who was going to start at Seijoh in the next term.

Mao made sure to congratulate you, and she even surprised you with a small bouquet of flowers. "Don't tell the other girls that it's from me," she winked. "Say they're from your boyfriend."

Iwaizumi made sure to capture one last photo with you on the graduation stage, and he even invited the others to join. "I'm bringing this photo with me to Europe," he said as he admired the picture, already knowing that he would keep it close to him during his trip. After everyone bugged him to share it, he sent it to the study group chat, which overtime, became a regular chat full of memes and conversations.

Mao invited Iwaizumi's friends to come over for a small celebration―Jo included. You got to see their condo once again, but this time, it was filled with love and laughter.

Everyone gathered around the dining table, passing around different platters of food to fill their plates. Runa was also there, perched next to Mao while she dug her head into her food bowl.

After dessert was served, Iwaizumi suggested that everyone participate in a mini Mario Kart tournament. The rest of the night was filled with video games, friendly competition, and good company. Mao had to shuffle her way through the busy living room to get to the balcony doors, and she slid it open, letting in cool air.

You looked out into the view, remembering the last time you were in their condo. You thought that your last time there was going to be your last, but seeing that you were back made you feel at home again.

The clock hit nine, then ten, then eleven in the evening. Everyone made sure to say their goodbyes to Iwaizumi, wishing him a safe trip. Some tears were split, mostly from Oikawa. Tae was the first to leave with Trinity, and Jo offered to give Oikawa a ride home. Once the crowd disappeared, Runa found it safe to start bothering you once again.

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