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The sound of your brother talking on the phone startles you. "Jo? You're home?" You say as you lock the front door behind you. After removing your coat and shoes, you go into the kitchen to find your brother hunched over the dining table with a mug in his hand and a phone in the other.

"No no," Jo says into the phone. His eyes widen when he sees you, and he gives you a quick wave before resuming his phone call. "I said I'm gonna be at home for two weeks, not two months you idiot... But, lemme know if you need any help on campus, I'll be there..."

You take the seat across from him at the table, waiting for him to finish his phone call. Jo swirls the coffee in his mug before bringing it to his lips and chugging it down.

"Alright alright... I'll talk to you later, my baby sister just came home from Seijoh... Yeah, Seijoh! You remember that place right?... Crazy crazy... Okay, I'll see you and the boys soon, bye." Jo finally hangs up the call, and you both get up from your seats to hug each other. "How have you been?"

"I'm barely surviving, and you?"

"Same old same old," Jo responds before letting you go. He brings his empty mug to the sink and pours water into it. "You know, I met a girl."


"Yeah," Jo smiles before leaning back on the kitchen counter. "I asked her if she wanted to come over and meet you, but she's busy with her school stuff."

"I'm happy for you," You say as you open the fridge and take out an apple. "Is she a party animal like you?"

"Not in the slightest," Jo chuckles. "We're quite the opposite but I like to think that we work well together."

You motion to the sink, and Jo moves over so you can wash your apple. "That's cute."

"How's everything with you and Iwaizumi?" He grins before nudging your side. "I remember you went on a date with him that one time. Please tell me that you and him are still going strong."

Not knowing how to answer, you take a bite of your apple while thinking of a reasonable response. "I don't know. I mean, I need to figure some things out on my own."

"Oh," Jo says. "Well, I hope everything works out for you two."

"Thanks," You mutter while playing with your fingers. Letting your brother in on the business didn't seem like a risk, and knowing that Tae was fully aware of everything, it didn't hurt to let your brother know about it either. "Actually, do you have some time?"

Jo nods his head. "Of course. What's up?"

"Oikawa is throwing a party for a new girl in our class. Her name is Trinity, and she's from Shiratorizawa."

"Shiratorizawa," Jo says the name with disgust. "I was never a fan of that school. So why does the captain of Seijoh wanna throw a party for her?"

"So she can meet all the third years... and you know Oikawa," you say before taking another bite. "He's a party animal like you, so throwing parties is just as normal as washing his face in the morning,"

Jo smiles at your attitude. "Alright, so you're jealous of this new girl?"

"Not exactly," You quickly defend yourself. "It's just that Iwaizumi took a liking to her so quickly. I don't think he's interested in me anymore now that Trinity is in our class."

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