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You knock on Mao's front door while holding the gold pendant in your other hand, the engravings feeling more familiar over the days spent without Iwaizumi.

Mao was the first person to message you after your first semester at college. It was also a coincidence that she was home from her travels, but she found it hard to leave ever since Iwaizumi went to England. Plus, she didn't want Runa to be home with no family to care for her.

You hear shuffling on the other side of the door. Mao cracks it open, and Runa slithers through, looking up and instantly jumping up to your knees.

"Runa!" you scoop her up and snuggle your face next to hers. "How've you been?" She replies by licking your nose, her paws gently grabbing your shoulders in a small hug.

"Hey, darling," Mao leans on the doorframe, "We've been waiting for you."

"I missed you, mom."

"Aw, I missed you too," she pulls you into a gentle hug, being cautious not to suffocate her cat, "Let's start with some tea and catch up before dinner, okay?"

"Sounds good," you smile when you are welcomed to the scent of her condo.

"How's Jo?"

"He's good. I told him that you invited me to stay over for the night, so he dropped me off," you place Runa on the dining table, and her paws stay on your chest, refusing to let go. "School has been tough on both of us, but we both survived a full semester if that counts for anything."

Mao joins you at the table with a small pot of tea and two cups. "That's nice. You must see him a lot on campus, huh?"

"More than I expected."

"And your friends? How's Tae and Trinity?"

"They're doing good," you watch Mao pour a small stream of green tea into a cup, and she slides it across the table. "We're all still trying to navigate our lives. They're back in the city to spend time with their families."

"That's wonderful. I hope to see them again soon."

You take a small sip of the hot tea. "I actually brought them to a restaurant downtown a few days ago. Have you ever been to The Owl on Bloor?"

"Yes, I have actually," Mao makes small noises to Runa, cooing her to give you some room. "Hajime loves their spicy foods."

Hajime. The sound of his name was sweet yet distant. You don't remember the last time you heard it. Even with your pendant, the subject of him was tucked away for the past few months, all so you could focus on your life and goals.

Mao notices you tensing up in your seat. She clears her throat. "Anyways, how's Oikawa?" she stifles a laugh, "The little brat."

You smile at the absurd comment, though the pendant around your neck feels heavier. "He's okay, I guess. He's still the same, to be honest."

"Always throwing parties and getting into trouble with girls?"

"Exactly," you reach for your pendant, circling the marks with your thumb. "He's actually grown really close with my brother. They host school events all the time, and on the weekends is when they let loose."

𝐌𝐘 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 • iwaizumi x reader ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora