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"Tae!" you call out to your friend when you see her at her locker. You carefully fold your collar so it wouldn't smudge the concealer on your neck―not like the first time.

She turns excitedly and brings you into a tight hug. "Y/n! What's up?"

"Nothing much," you struggle to breathe in her strong embrace. "And you?"

"I'm doing great actually," She lets you free and closes her locker before tightening the shoulder straps on her backpack. "Iwaizumi and I finally finished that stupid assignment. He kinda rushed through the questions though, and he had a nervous face the entire time. Kinda weird, I should probably ask him how he's doing."

"I wonder why," you reply, biting back the urge to share the details of your heated night with Iwaizumi. "He does have his tendencies."

It was true that Iwaizumi always became anxious, but during his study session with Tae, he was feeling particularly insecure with whether he provided good aftercare or not. He thought that he did a good job shielding his emotions in front of Tae, but whenever it came to you, covering his emotions had become a tough task.

Tae leads you into the empty classroom and you two take your seats beside each other. As you prepare your things, more students flow into the classroom. Tae turns to you, looking for any signs of Iwaizumi on your skin, but she comes up with nothing.

Oikawa enters the class, an arm draped over Iwaizumi's back as they make their way to their seats. You catch Iwaizumi's glare, and he gives you a quick wink before shoving Oikawa's arm off his back.

"Why are you so mean to me, Iwa-chan?" Oikawa pouts. Iwaizumi ignores his question, setting his things down and taking his seat next to Oikawa's.

The teacher walks into the classroom, and everyone settles into their seats, waiting for her instructions. "Alright class," the teacher starts. "Today, we have a new student joining us today from another school. Would you like to introduce yourself?"

Everyone's gaze is directed to the door where a girl with long blonde hair walks in. Her stride was confident, and her hazel eyes matched the shade of her hair.

"Hello everyone," The new girl says. "My name is Trinity." when no one speaks, she takes it as a sign to continue. "I'm transferring here from Shiratorizawa."

"What?!" Oikawa says loudly, drawing everyone's attention to him. "That's Ushiwaka's school!"

Trinity chuckles at his reaction. "Yes, Ushijima is the volleyball captain at my old school. You know him?"

"Unfortunately I do," Oikawa slumps into his seat. "Iwa-chan, can you believe this? She knows Ushiwaka!"

Iwaizumi, who was paying no attention to his friend, was totally consumed by the girl standing in front of the class. Everything about her was intriguing, from the sound of her soft voice to the way she held herself. When he finds himself staring too long, he looks away quickly and scratches the back of his head with the hopes that his loud friend wouldn't say anything about it.

"Alright alright," The teacher grabs everyone's attention once again. "Let's welcome Trinity to our class properly, okay?" She turns to Trinity. "If you'd like, I'll ask one of the students to bring in an extra desk for you and you can pick where you want to sit. That sounds okay?"

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