But You Promised Me A Cookie

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They were getting ready to host a tea party, much to Toni's annoyance. She really didn't see the point in tiny sandwiches and cups of tea while they all gossip about people she really doesn't care about.

But Cheryl had asked her with a pout and given her the cutest damn puppy dogs eyes she could imagine and Toni was putty in her hands.

Now she found herself in the kitchen buttering tiny pieces of bread and carefully laying pieces of cucumber onto it. Why Cheryl felt the need for so many of the damn sandwiches Toni didn't know, but she did as was told anyways.

She's drawn away from her monotonous task by the smell fo her favourite treat wafting from the other side of the kitchen. Cheryl had just pulled out a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies out of the oven, made specifically for Toni. A little bribe for participating in the tea party.

Toni quickly makes her way over to the redhead who is in the process of putting the cookies on a cooling rack for later. She reaches her hand out to take a nice warm cookie, a well deserved treat after her slaving over cucumber sandwiches, and is promptly halted by a smack on the back of her hand.

"Now, now T.T. those are not for now."

Toni gasps looking rather affronted at her girlfriends actions, "Babbeeee, you promised me a cookie." Toni whines, pouting at the girl in front of her.

Cheryl glares playfully at Toni, who looks incredibly cute dispute how childish she is being, "T.T. I believe I said you could have a cookie once all the preparation was done. From what I can see there are still more sandwiches to make and the table needs to be set."

"Stupid sandwiches," Toni grumbles as she turns back to go and make the rest, "Ruining my cookie time."

Cheryl chuckles from her place by the oven, moving to get plates and cups ready for the table. She pecks Toni on the cheek as she goes past her, "Thank you T.T."

Toni smiles lightly at the action.


Toni has just finished laying out the plates on the coffee table when people start arriving. After her rather gruelling morning slaving over tiny food she is just hoping to be able to sneak in a cookie before the others get settled.

She hears Cheryl answer the door, welcoming in Veronica, Kevin, Sweet Pea and Fangs. Toni had coerced the boys into come to this tea to make it a little more bearable with free beer at the Wyrm.

She sneaks her way into the kitchen as she hears the others come through into the living room. She opens the tub that has the cookies in reaching her hand in. Her fingers are touching a precious cookie when she hears a voice from the doorway, "You better not be touching those cookies baby." Cheryl reaches for the plate of sandwiches ready to take them through.

"Baby, you promised me a cookie when I was done helping. I made all the food. Pleeeeassseee."

"After our guests leave then you may have some. Otherwise you'll have to share them with everyone."

Toni groans and grumbles as she relents, taking plates of food through to the living room. "You're lucky I love you more than cookies." This makes Cheryl let out a hearty laugh as she flows her through.

"What's got you in a mood Tiny?" Sweet Pea questions from his perch on one of the arm chairs. He looks rather ridiculous in his leather jacket and tattoos, holding a teacup and a tiny sandwich.

Toni crosses her arms and leans back in her seat on the sofa. Cheryl grins at her antics putting a hand on her shoulder, "T.T. is just frustrated because I won't let her have any of the cookies I made until later."

The others look at her as if to see if she is being serious and then proceed to burst out laughing.

"Really? The big bad Princess of the Serpents is grumpy cus her cookies got taken away?" Veronica questions through a laugh.

Toni rolls her eyes and burrows further into the sofa, "Yeah laugh it up so funny. I hate you all."

"Aww that's not very nice Tiny." Fangs says feigning hurt.

"That was genuinely hurtful Toni and all over a cookie." Kevin chips in, swiping a fake tear from under his eye.

"Really baby, you hate me too?" Cheryl turns to her with a pout. Toni tries. She really tries to resist that look and stand her ground. But Cheryl's pouting lips are just too enticing.

"No, never you baby." She leans in for a soft peck.

"Aww Choni are the cutest." Kevin gushes. Veronica nodding along. They look on like proud parents.

"I am so happy for you guys. Genuinely." She says.

Toni rolls her eyes at them, Cheryl smiling at them, kissing Toni lightly on the cheek.


Toni was just cleaning up the last of the dishes from their tea when Cheryl entered the room. She walked up to Toni putting her arms around her from behind, resting her head on her shoulder. "Are you okay, cherie?"

Toni leans back into the embrace, "Yeah, I'm fine baby. Just a little tried now."

"Welllll, seeing as the others have gone, you can have a cookie now." She squeezes Toni's waist lightly.

Toni squeals in excitement as she drops the dish in her hand into the sink and rushes over to the cookie tub. She takes one out, eating half of it in one bite, moaning at the taste. "Oh my God babe these are so fucking good." She says around a mouthful of food.

Cheryl smiles brightly at her compliment, "I'm glad you like them T.T. Was it worth the wait?"

Toni, still stuffing her mouth says, "Oh yeah baby so fucking worth it." She swallows the bite in her mouth and goes over to Cheryl leaning in for a kiss to show her appreciation.

Cheryl puts her hand up on Toni's chest holding her back, "I don't think so T.T. you've literally just devoured three cookies like you've been starved for days. I'm pretty sure you still have food in your mouth. I'm not kissing you until you've washed it down or something."

Toni smirks at her, "Aww you think I'm gross babe?" She puts her hands on Cheryl's hips pulling her closer, "Come on let me show you how much I loved those cookies." She leans in and Cheryl turns her head away from her. She takes the opportunity to place kisses all over Cheryl's face and neck. "Kiss me baby."

Cheryl laughs, pushing back on Toni's shoulders, "Alright, alright, enough T.T." She brings her hands up to cup Toni's cheeks leaning in and giving her a chaste kiss on the lips.

She pulls back, "Noooo, you know that's not what I meant baby. Gimme a proper kiss." She pouts looking up at Cheryl through her lashes.

Cheryl rolls her eyes but gives in anyway, unable to resist that look. She leans in kissing her soundly on the lips, running her tongue along Toni's bottom lip tasting the hint of chocolate left behind by the cookie.

Toni moans into the kiss pulling Cheryl's body flush against her. "Mmm... you're so needy on your period T.T."

"Maybe I just want you all the time baby."

"And the cookie obsession?"

"You make damn good cookies baby what can I say?"

Cheryl chuckles at her rubbing her thumb over her cheek, "Are you feeling any better?"

Toni nods, "Uh huh, I will be once you let me thank you properly for those cookies."

Cheryl raises her eyebrow at her, "Just cus I'm on my period doesn't mean I can't make my lady feel good." She grins up at the redhead.

She was very grateful for those cookies indeed.

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