Never would have guessed

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In the back of the classroom, a pair of dark brown eyes were intently surveying every figure that walked through the door. Many people were making their way inside, none of which held her interest. She was looking for a particular someone... more specifically a girl with pink hair and a preference for plaid.

Someone who, coincidentally, was walking through the door right now.

The waiting girls' cherry red lips curled up into a smile; eyes carefully trailing the newcomer as she made her way to the seat she frequented most. Dramatically flipping her long, red hair over her shoulder, she grabbed her bag and made her way from the back of the room to the seat directly next to the pink-haired girl. The scrawny boy currently occupying said seat turned with wide eyes, the girl standing over him only offering a sickly sweet smile; nothing good ever came with that smile.

"This is my seat now." She said, the unnerving smile still plastered onto her face.

He only continued to stare blankly.

"Move, twig!" She all but shouted, making a violent shooing motion with her hands.

She was no longer faking her smile, replacing it with an intensely irritated look that scared the poor boy half to death. His head bobbed hastily underneath the table as he grabbed his bag and all but ran to the redheads previous seat. Satisfied, her smile returned to her face as she plopped herself unceremoniously next to her now annoyed tablemate. The girl, who had watched the whole situation unfold with minimal interest, rolled her eyes and shifted her gaze from the scene back to her things, flipping through her binder in search of today's homework. She would very much like to get through this class without any interruptions, especially from this girl.

Noticing she was pointedly ignoring her, the redhead shifted all her attention to the one beside her. Her crossed arms rested upon the table, bright red fingernails tapping the surface impatiently. After a few moments of silence, save for the consistent tapping of nails on wood, the redheads burning gaze finally had an impact on her intended target. Now very bothered, the pink-haired girl harshly turned to the one beside her.

"What do you want, Cheryl?"

Cheryl picked at her nails, now seemingly uninterested in the conversation she had very clearly meant to initiate.

"My poor, sweet, frequently irritating Toni Topaz... why must you immediately assume I want something? All I've done is sit down. Maybe I just wanted a change of scenery... the same old things get so dreary after a while. I'm sure you understand."

"Cut the crap. You've never done anything without a motive, Cheryl, so spill."

"Aw, I appreciate that you'd take notice to that." She replied mockingly, hand over her heart as if she just received the sweetest compliment.

"I just so happened to see online that, though I made sure you and your little friends were specifically invited to my party tonight, you are the only one refusing my invitation."

"That's it? That's why you came over? Cus I'm not coming to one of your stupid parties?"

Cheryl gasped dramatically, holding her hand over her heart yet again.

"How dare you! My parties are unquestionably the best thing about this town, unlike you." She points an accusatory nail in the direction of the other girl.

Before Toni could say anything, Cheryl pressed further,

"You're so out of your element here. I wonder why that could be..."

She pretends to ponder for a moment, then continues.

"I guess it's because you have no real friends here, do you? Poor Cha Cha... spending all your time with that uptight Betty and her hobo hubby made you forget how to talk to real people."

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