Because I Wanted You!

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I saw this on tmblr and i must write abt it. I literally sat there and cry'd writing this so yeah.. (its based of an lil story on tmblr)

"Oh my god, Cheryl, you will NOT believe what just happened," Toni says, plopping her lunch tray down across from her best friend and sitting.

Cheryl eyes her attentively, combing hair over her shoulder. "What is it, TT?"

Toni looks around as if to make sure that no one is listening before leaning in close to her and almost whispering. "Chuck Clayton just asked me on a date," she says excitedly.

Cheryl's heart thuds anxiously. "And? You said no, right?"

Toni laughs. "Of course I said no."

Cheryl breathes a sigh of relief. "Thank god."

Toni forks pasta into her mouth at an alarming rate. "I mean, he's cute and all, but...can you even imagine? I need someone who's funny, and smart..."

Cheryl groans internally. I have a fucking 4.0, she wants to say. Yesterday I made you laugh so hard that milk came out your nostrils and Mr. Owens had to come ask you if you were okay, she wants to say.

Toni stops her rambling. "Anyway, the point is he's not my type. But enough about me, Cher, have you seen any girls you like? There are a lot of hotties at Riverdale High."

Cheryl blushes. "Well, maybe there is someone I'm looking at." Literally looking at, she wants to add.

Toni's jaw drops. "Shut up. Who is it?! Do I know her?"

Cheryl's heart clenches. How could Toni be so oblivious? "I think so, TT. She' amazing. She's incredibly beautiful and so sweet. But I don't think she's into me at all."

Toni gasps. "Cher, that's crazy! Any girl would be insane not to go for you."

Cheryl is burning on the inside. "Thanks," she says through gritted teeth. Yet I'll never be good enough for you, she adds silently.

Toni is silent for the rest of her meal, digging away at salad to find the croutons. Cheryl adores it, the way Toni gives no fucks about her health. The way Toni will convince herself she's being healthy by simply avoiding fried chicken one day a week. The way Toni will offer her the black olives even though she likes them because she knows that Cheryl likes them more.

Cheryl's wiping her own mouth with a thin napkin when Jughead Jones comes up to the table. "Hey, Toni," he says shyly. He nods his head at Cheryl. "Cheryl."

"Hi Jughead," Toni says breathily. "What's up?"

Cheryl rolls her eyes.

"Oh, you know, just...eating a crappy burger and contemplating whether I could convince Weatherbee to cater from Pops." Jughead smiles at her. What an idiot.

Toni laughs. "Yeah, well, that'd be great now wouldn't it?" She adjusts in her seat, fixing her shirt lower.

Cheryl wants to vomit into his beanie.

"Well, I'll see you around I guess," Jughead tells her, getting up with a lingering look at her chest.

When he leaves, Toni near smacks the table. "Oh my god do you think he was into me?" She says in a rush.

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