Come on

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"Shut the fuck up, Blossom!" Toni shouted down the hall at school. There were some wandering eyes on the Blossom heir and the renowned Southside Serpent.

Cheryl looked at her expectantly, eyes full of fury and her eyebrows arched in irritability, "Bite me, Topaz."

The girls dispersed, leaving on opposite ends of the hallway, as chatter had resumed to fill the halls of Riverdale High.

Cheryl and Toni have kept this bit up for months. Hating each other at school and any public arena to cuddling and full-on makeout sessions in Cheryl's bed when no one is home or when Toni was feeling daring enough to climb the trellis conveniently bolted next to Cheryl's bedroom window. They put on a show because Toni liked to be Cheryl's dirty little secret and Cheryl was rebellious, in any and all regards, to spite her homophobic mother. The staged fighting also made for good foreplay.

A few minutes after their exchange of hateful remarks, the girls had arranged a rendezvous in the school bathroom. Cheryl was checking her hair and makeup in the mirror as a cover in case of any unexpected bathroom-users. She waited impatiently for her Serpent lover; she was two minutes late.

Toni took her sweet time going to the bathroom, feeling unbelievably smug after last night with Cheryl. It was sadistic, but she loved putting her hand over Cheryl's mouth during an intense orgasm in an attempt to muffle her screams. They had learned over the past few months that Penelope is an incredibly light sleeper and that Toni can fit underneath Cheryl's bed.

The pink-haired girl practically skipped all the way to the bathroom in the literature wing. They found it to be the most inactive bathroom due to the strict English teachers and how out-of-the-way the bathroom was in regards to the rest of the classrooms. She pushed her shoulder into the door, immediately spotting the redhead in the mirror, and pushed the door closed. Before speaking, they met eyes and Toni lifted a brow - a silent question to see if there was anyone else in the bathroom.

Cheryl shook her head.

Toni switched the lock on the door and watched Cheryl turn around and charge for the Serpent, meeting their lips in a very messy kiss.

"Woah there, Blossom, a little hello would've been nice."

Cheryl smiled against her, "Hello," and went for her lips again.

"We aren't gonna hook up in the bathroom again right? Remember what happened last time?"

"I'm not gonna break another mirror, TT," the brown eyes rolled.

"You have to admit, Cher, it's pretty hot when I make you come so hard that your head flies back and cracks a mirror," Toni laughed and caressed Cheryl's sides.

"Enough talking, more kissing. I can't believe you were the one telling me to shut the fuck up in the halls a few minutes ago."

"Bite me, Topaz," Toni mocked as Cheryl kissed her desperately. "You know what? I just might."

"I'd be shocked if you didn't," Cheryl went in again but Toni abstained.

"You know what, Blossom? I think you're a little desperate."

"What makes you say that?" Cheryl took a step back and crossed her arms.

Toni put her hands against the wall Cheryl had pushed her against and leaned back, "Because you're kissing like a hooker late on rent."

Cheryl scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Is this because of last night, babe?"

Cheryl winced. She hates when Toni calls her babe because this exchange between the two of them was mainly about sex. Sometimes it was about cuddling and sharing that intimate feeling they are both so hungry for. The redhead bobbed her head yes and chewed on her lip.

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