3x15 but make it 5x06

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The shrill ring of a telephone interrupted Cheryl's so far peaceful day. Not that her days were really much different from one another anymore. They all blended together now. However, the recent interactions with Toni had her paying a bit more attention to her surroundings as of late.

She picked it up promptly and put it to her ear. "Hello. Cheryl Blossom speaking."

"It's Doris Bell, you told me to keep you apprised of goings on at the school..."

"Yes..." Cheryl responded, her curiosity peaked.

"Well..there's something I think you should know.." Ms. Bell stated.

Cheryl listened carefully as she explained the recent interaction in the hallway between her ex-girlfriend and the oaf Archie Andrews. As soon as the words "Vixens" came through on the telephone, the redhead felt a twinge of anger in her body. When she heard that Toni was not only leading the Vixens, but also wearing an "HBIC" sweatshirt, well...it took everything in her not to rip the phone cord out of the wall.

Instead she took a deep breath to soothe herself. "I see...thanks Ms. Bell."

She stood in the middle of the room, her anger quickly being replaced with sadness at how drastically things had changed over the past seven years. She hadn't led the Vixens in that time, but it still felt like it was yesterday. Cheryl had not left Riverdale in those seven years, and leaving her house was a rare occurrence. Being captain of the Vixens was one of her last great memories, aside from her years with Toni, of course.

The Vixens were something she held near and dear to her heart, and she knew Toni knew that. She felt tears cling to the corners of her eyes, wishing that Toni had asked her to take her original title back. Instead Toni was taking that role herself.

"But what's the matter, child?" Nana Rose asked, breaking Cheryl from her trance. She had been sitting across the room in her wheelchair, watching the scene unfold.

"Oh nothing, Nana, just some upsetting news from Riverdale High. I'll be fine." the redhead said, choking back her tears.

Cheryl quickly turned on her heel and headed up to her bedroom. She sped past the men working on the staircase and slammed her door, it echoed in the large house. She didn't waste a second, throwing open the doors to her closet and began looking for her desired outfit.

It didn't take her long to find it, the bright shade of pink sticking out from the various red and black tones that took up the majority of her wardrobe. She grabbed it off the hanger, along with a sheer, lace top that was basically lingerie, red pants and red heels to complete the whole look. She threw on the pink blazer last, admiring the way her breasts looked against the shade of red she chose and smirked to herself when she saw how perfectly the pants fit her. She looked good. Better than she had looked in a long time. If she was going to leave the house and go down to the high school she had to show that she meant business. The red top may have been slightly extra, but oh well, it was hot.

She did one more spin in the mirror, took a deep breath and headed out the door.


Cheryl walked slowly into Riverdale High, not wanting to be detected. The last thing she needed was to be cornered by Betty or Veronica. She was on a mission and nothing would deter her. She didn't know where Toni's office was but based off of the counselor they had in high school, it had to be the same room. She walked down the familiar halls, checking each corner before she turned them. She came to the door and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw "Ms. Topaz" on it.

She grasped the door knob and turned, celebrating when it wasn't locked. She let herself in and closed the door behind her. She felt her chest tighten as she looked around the room. Toni had her own office. Her diplomas and certifications were displayed on the walls and a nameplate sat at the head of her desk. The pride the redhead felt was overwhelming. She swallowed back tears and blotted at the corner of her eyes with her index finger.

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