Psycho Couple (warning)

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Big trigger warning!! This story could easy trigger your little heart. Its themes are basically really brutal. Like axt murdering and psycho speak. So pls if you cant read such themes be careful and read over it. Also if your fav character is veronica then devinetely dont read it cause shes getting killed.

The crimson stained lips are the first thing Cheryl's eyes are drawn too.

It isn't just the lipstick that makes the colour red deliciously pop against lifeless skin.

It's the blood that sits so pretty on Heather's slightly parted lips that truly catch her attention. Not even her frozen, hazel eyes, or the snow white bone that protrudes from her neck, could deter Cheryl's ever attentive gaze on those satin lips, that she knows so well taste of honey and destruction.

She screams.

Tries not to think about the fact that she stood stock still for fifteen minutes staring at the head of her ex-lover, and doesn't stop screaming, even after Reggie and Veronica are beckoned outside from the noise.

Of course they are the ones to find her.

Everyone else had already gone home, but Cheryl doesn't doubt that Reggie and Veronica had stayed late to fuck on all the furniture before sunrise.

She's not sure when she stops screaming.

She only remembers Reggie's skin complexion practically turning green as he held back the urge to vomit, and covered Heather's decapitated head with his jacket. And she remembers the smell of jasmine and vanilla, Veronica's shampoo, before finding herself in the back of a Taxi and being taken home.

The next morning she wakes up, takes a shower, and it isn't until she's spreading cherry jam over a piece of whole wheat toast, that she remembers Heather died last night.

Cheryl doesn't like the way everyone is looking at her the next night she shows up for work.

Reggie discreetly pulls her aside, and asks her if she'd like to take a few nights off.

Cheryl tells him to fuck off.

Reggie doesn't bring it up again.

She performs as per usual.

It's a routine she's gotten dangerously good at over the last year.

She's sitting at her vanity, staring at her stunning reflection in the mirror as she applies a thick coating of lipgloss to two plump, pink lips. Once that's done, she lowers the wand, and instead puts her fingers to work delicately snatching up a red ribbon before tying it around her neck, finishing the knot with a perfect bow that kisses her skin.

She's devastatingly beautiful.

And she knows it.

Tina and Ginger enter the backroom, watching Cheryl through their false lashes, and whispering about her behind their manicured fingertips.

Cheryl's eyes easily spot them standing behind her in her mirror.

They are not the only ones who have been looking at her like she's crazy.

She hates it.

She's not crazy, she's beautiful.

"Do you have something to say to me?" Cheryl's voice cuts sharply through their whispers.

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