Those Fangs Baby

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The party was in full swing. Cheryl and Toni's epic Halloween bash. They had been planning it for a month, Toni loved Halloween and Cheryl loved Toni. That's how she found herself surrounded by drunk teenagers dressed in cheap excuses for costumes.

Cheryl was trying to find her way through the crowd to her girlfriend, who at that moment appeared to be on a table throwing candy at the party goers. She laughed to herself at her girlfriend's enthusiasm as she shouted "Trick or Treat" at everyone while tossing chocolate bars in every direction.

Her red eyes flash towards Cheryl. They may look good now but Toni had complained non stop when Cheryl was helping her get ready.

-Three hours ago-

"Ow. Babe, ow that hurts," Toni grumbles as Cheryl helps her put in coloured contact lenses as part of her vampire costume.

Cheryl tightens her grip on Toni's chin. "Oh, stop being a baby ,T.T. And keep you head still. It will only hurt more if you keep moving your head around."

Toni pouts at being scolded but complies, allowing her head to be tilted back as Cheryl puts the second contact in for her. "There," Cheryl says, pecking Toni quickly on the lips, still holding her chin. "All done."

Toni's pout disappears as she leans forward for a longer, deeper kiss. "Thank you, baby."


Toni grins, hopping down from the table and making her way over to her girlfriend.

"Hey, baby! Are you having a good time?" Toni grins, and shouts over the loud music. She puts her arms around Cheryl's waist pulling her closer, the redheads hands finding the back of her neck.

"Better now that I've found you." Cheryl smirks at Toni's eye roll.

"So sappy tonight. Are you drunk, babe?" Toni says through a smile, squinting her eyes slightly as if inspecting the redhead.

Cheryl pushes her shoulder lightly and gasps. "No. I am not. So rude, T.T."

Toni just grins and pulls her closer again, their bodies flush together. Toni leans forward, bringing their lips together in a sweet kiss that soon deepens. Cheryl's hands come up to grip Toni's hair as she runs her tongue over her bottom lip. Toni moans against her lips, tightening her grip on Cheryls waist.

She pulls on the redheads lower lip, biting down gently, forgetting that she was wearing fake fangs. Cheryl hisses and pulls back. "Ow, babe. Teeth."

"Shit. Sorry, baby. Forgot I was wearing these." She gestures to her mouth. "Lemme get you a drink, to make up for it?" She smiles.

"Lead the way, T.T," Cheryl says, allowing herself to be lead by the hand through into the kitchen.
They walk through the crowd and into the kitchen. Toni going straight to the temporary bar set up on the island and begins making them drinks.

She walks back over to Cheryl handing her a drink, giving her a peck on the lips. "Come on, let's go see what the boys are up to."

Toni leads Cheryl through to the living room to find Sweet Pea, Fangs and Kevin. The boys were sitting around the coffee table, which happened to be covered in different types of candy.

"Did you guys horde all of the candy in the house?" Toni questions as they walk further into the room, taking a seat and pulling Cheryl into her lap.

"Uh... yeah. Of course we did," Fangs says grabbing a bag of Twizzlers. "Why else do we come to your parties. Theres's always killer free stuff."

Sweet Pea nods, agreeing with his friend. "Yeah, Tiny, the free food is the best part of the parties you and Red host."

Cheryl rolls her eyes at the boys. "Honestly, so uncivilised. Did you have to take this much? You can't possibly eat this much candy. Kevin, I thought you at least would have more manners," She says in a serious tone, a smile playing at her lips.

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