=Be Friends=

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I watch her figure, as she walks to me. My throat starts to close up, the way her dress shows her every curve. I watch how every man, were also hypnotized by her voice like I was. Jealousy runs through my veins. 

I don't know how Oliver copes with men looking at Sasha. Maybe that's what love is? Knowing that you have her and don't have to worry about outsiders. 

She sits in front of me, and it takes every cell in my body to not grab and put her on my lap. I watch her lips move closer to the mic, confidence pouring out of her. 

"Dying by the hand... Of a foreign man... Happily.." She touches my face softly, electricity runs through me as I suppress a groan. "Calling out my name... In the summer rain... Ciao Amore.."

To my disappointment, she gets up and walks away. My eyes don't leave her as she walks away, I was stuck, hypnotized.

My admiration did not last long, however. I feel someone come behind me, "One of Jasper's men is here."

I get up and follow him, letting Oliver admire his girl. Her voice still follows me as I go to the back office as discreetly as possible.

"What's the plan boss?"

"We will watch from afar, see what ruse he use to get the girls," I start. " Maybe put a tracker and find out where they are taking them."

I take off the safety on my gun, and examine my knives, " But, if the girl seems to be in a lot of trouble before he even takes her, one of us move in. We will not be risking this,"

My men nod at my command, walking outside in their designated area.

"If it comes to the second option, we will have to take him with us," I tell them over the earpiece.

I enter my car, watching the streets for anything. Few minutes happen and no suspicious activities from the scumbag are reported.

"Boss he's on the move," Emil, one of the bodyguard's reports. "He is talking to one of the performers, she is not falling for it."

Great, our performers aren't allowed to drink during work. So she's most likely sober.

"What's his move?"

"He seems to be giving the shy approach, but she keeps checking our way to make sure that the guards see what's happening."

"Smart girl, who is it?"

"I'm not sure, she seems new,"

"Do you want us to just track him, boss?" Emanuel cuts off Emil.

Before I could answer, Phoenix speaks, "Boss, it's the singer from tonight, the one with Ms. Sasha."

The world seems to slow down when I hear those words. My fists tighten together, turning my knuckles white. I get out of my car and make my way to the entrance.

"Boss is everything okay?" Emil calls out.

" When I'm done, take him," I command before taking out my earpiece and stuffing it into my pocket.

I walk towards them, thankfully her jacket covered her whole body so the cold wind was not bothering her. Her body language shows how uncomfortable she was with the man's presence and the fact that no one seemed to notice angered me even more.

The bastard offers her something and my pace picks up, before she could even say anything I wrap my arms around her. Her beautiful scent drowning me.

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