=Lived Happily=

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"So what's the occasion?" I speak up after we order our food, Amour smirks at me and takes a sip of his wine.

"Can't I just take my wife out for a nice meal?" He says, eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Wife?" I cock a brow at his words.

"Don't look at me like that, you're the one who told the hospital that."

My face heats up at his words and I look down, "That's the only way I could see you."

My voice came out small. I hope he isn't mad at me for doing that, maybe I went too far.

"Trésor, look at me." He commands, I look up and he smiles at me. "I'm not mad."

The young waiter comes with our food, interrupting our moment. We thank him and bite into our food, enjoying the peaceful mood we created.

"I have a gift for you?" He speaks up after the waiter takes away our plates.

"I wonder what it could be," I tease. Alright having an idea of what his gift could be especially with the vibes of tonight. "Should I close my eyes?"

"If you're comfortable," He smirks. I close my eyes and listen to him shuffling around. "Open your eyes."

I did and let out a small gasp at the item in front of me. Out of everything I was expecting, this was not what I was expecting.

In front of me was a nicely laid out paperwork, a request for me to become the owner of a company. "Are you sure?"

He nods, with a big grin on his face.

"What company is it?"

"Your ex." I frown at his answer reading the papers more clearly.

"How is that even possible?"

"He begged for a merger, he was going bankrupt and I bought the company a few years back," He starts rolling his eyes. "That dumbass didn't realize what he gave up, he was a terrible leader that's why he was going bankrupt. In just under a few months, the company is thriving again and I believe that you are the perfect person to take over."

"You're not just saying that because you're in love with me?"

"No Trésor, I went through the same process as I did with everyone else to make sure I picked the right person," He answers giving me a sheepish smile. I raise a brow not believing him fully.

"So me fucking you didn't play a part?"

He just winks and hands me a pen. "What do you say to become CEO Young?"

"I do." I wink making him laugh.

"There's one more place we need to go to," He says after I hand him back the papers. "The dress code is a bit different, but don't worry I have your change of clothes in the car."

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," He winks.

"I'm not changing in the car."

"Fine, we'll go to one of my penthouses first." He says rolling his eyes at my antic, I laugh and stick my tongue out at him.


"Evangeline, hurry up, we're late." His voice booms through the place.

"Don't call me that," I yell back, doing some last-minute touch-up on my makeup. I don't know where Amour is taking me, but I'll be damned if I don't look hot.

"If I knew you were going to take this long Trésor, I wouldn't have brought you here to change." He sighs out walking inside the bathroom. I roll my eyes and put on my lipstick.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"I'm not telling you," He snakes his arm around my waist and kisses my neck. I smile looking at our reflection, both of us in all black. "You look delectable."

"Maybe we should have desert then," I flirt turning around and playing with his hair. He leans smirks and leans down, bringing my body close to him.

"We're late," He says not kissing me, I push him away and he lets out a chuckle before taking my arm and dragging me out of the bathroom. "Trust me, baby, this is worth it."

I hum and follow him out. The drive consisted of us just cuddling and enjoying the scenery, I noticed Amour's subtle shaking but I made no comments. After his brain injury, the side effects become worst when certain emotions are strong.

I hope this doesn't trigger his seizures.

"We're here princess," He says as the car parks in front of a beautiful house. I take his hand and step out of the car. "Your gift is just inside the house Trésor."

I nod and walk into the house. The house was silent and Amour was already gone before I could even say anything.

"What is he doing?" I think out loud, walking around the house. It was empty with no furniture but beautiful nonetheless.

"Ready mia bella?"

"Holy shit Oli." I scowl at the man that scared the hell out of me. Trying to calm my racing heart I look up at the Hispanic man. He was wearing a nice suit, similar to Amour's but it had a white rose attached.

"Follow me to your surprise," He gives me his arm and I take it.

As we get closer to the backyard, I start hearing some chatter that was quickly silenced.

"What's the surprised Oli?" I ask when I noticed the crowd outside through the glass door.

"Your wedding of course." He says winking at me and opening the doors before I could say anything.

As I'm walking down the "aisle" I look at the people present. Henry, Ella, Rose, and my goddaughter Chloe were together looking at me, Ella sniffling a little hand on her stomach. Gus and Jacques put on a veil and gave me a bouquet, Clara playing on the piano while Sasha accompanied her on the violin.

"A secret wedding huh?" I raise a brow at Amour a small smirk on my lips. "How'd you know?"

"Ella, she told me how you never want a wedding but dreamt about a surprise wedding." He says giving me a kiss on my forehead. "Did I do it right?"

I nod, feeling my eyes stinging. He got it right to the tea, the decoration, and the fact that my groom and I are in all black while our guests are in beige.

"You did amazing my love," I said pulling him in for a kiss.

"You're supposed to say your I do's first," Gus calls out from the crowd making everyone laugh as Amour and I pull away from each other.


Updated: 21 June 2022

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