Tell me the Truth

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        -------Rose's POV--------

We had gone back to the cabin, leaving Max behind in the kingdom.

I didn't think I would ever get used to the portal transportation and how it spit us out so abruptly.

I didn't realize I was clutching onto Michaelangelo's cloak so tightly until I literally pried my fingers from it.


I said as I took a step back from him.

"I um...I think we should head home. There's some unsolved business with my parents."

I continued as Michaelangelo nodded and we walked back into the cabin in silence.


The car ride was very awkward, silence filled every crevice of the car.

He finally broke the silence when he spoke up.

"I shouldn't have lied to you about my parents."

I rolled my eyes.

"You shouldn't have." I agreed.

We neared the house.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep so many things from you. I know it seems strange, but I wanted to protect you from all of it, I was going to tell you everything.'s so distracting when we kiss, when I'm near you all I can think about is being with you." He admitted.

I sighed, feeling him take my hand in his and my wolf's stirring come to a stop.

"No more secrets, Michaelangelo." I spoke firmly.

"No more secrets, Rose." He smiled as he kissed the back of my hand and parked the car.

At once, my parents ran from the house towards us.

"Rose! Sweetheart please don't ever do that again, we love you and we're so sorry that we lied have to understand-"

I held up a hand.

"All I want, is an explanation. Just the truth."

We walked back into the house and took a seat in the foyer.

"You were only three months old when your father and I found you. You were so beautiful and we were trying so hard to have a were a gift from the gods. You were just there in a basket on the side of the road, we found you with that name tag around your neck and well you know the rest. There was a letter that came with you...I've been saving it for you for all these years. I'll go get it."

Mom left with dad following behind her.

There I was, left with Michaelangelo in the same room. I wanted to kiss him, to feel his hard chest under my hands and his soft lips against my neck.

"Rose," he said huskily.

"Yes?" I replied in a dazed voice.

"Your mother has something for you." He chuckled and I blushed, realizing I'd been staring at him for a long time.

She sighed and handed me  a piece of paper, folded up with my name on it.

         'My dearest Rose...

                       In your will have to face many obstacles, many of which include love but believe me when I say that love only comes in one form for you...Royalty.

His name is Michaelangelo and you must treasure him as much as he treasures you if possible.

The man you presume to be your mate will betray you, and you'll think you will never be able to recover.

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