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After a week of training, you didn't feel too burned out. Though you focused on one-on-one combat, that wasn't a difficult task for you. Fighting has been a part of your life since you were little.

"Can I try to fight?" you asked your parents. They grinned, sitting beside you on the couch in front of a TV displaying an action film.

"Sure! Let's get you into a martial arts class." You jumped in joy, knowing you'd enjoy it.

"If only life was as joyous as it was back then," you whispered, walking towards the dorms with the others in front of you.

Suddenly, darkness circled the campus. The sun drowned into a dark purple aura. Your eyes squinted as your eyebrows furrowed.

"What is this?" Sero asked, everyone, gazing around.

"IT'S THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS!" Bakugo shouted. You knew who it was, as you've met them before.

"It's goddamn Kurogiri." Your mumble wasn't heard by anyone.

They all grouped, preparing for a fight. You noticed a dark purple portal open in front of you. The ones who walked out were a boy with burned skin and stitches, a girl with blonde buns and a knife in hand, and a man in some black costume with a grey head and grey stripes.

"Shit," you spoke, crouching slightly to prepare for a battle.

"DAMN YOU!" Bakugo made little explosions beside you.

"Calm down!" the man with burned skin exclaimed. Blue fire surrounded his hands. "Were only here for (y/n)."

Your anger boiled, making you huff and puff. 'I don't want to get kidnapped again'

"That's great!" Your father patted your head as you grinned.

"I know, right? Ms. Instructor taught me this move too!" You presented him with a roundhouse kick to the punching bag. Your little stature making the most perfect form for the action.

"Wow! You've really improved!" Your mother grinned as she handed you a clear water bottle.

"Thanks, mommy!" You took a quick sip when a dark aura surrounded you and your folks.

"What's happening?" your mother questioned, looking around in fear. You hastily hugged your father's side as his face displayed anger.

"It's the ones who want our little girl." your father looked angrier than ever, making you worry. Your eyebrows curved as tears slowly formed in the crevices of your eyelids.

"We want her." A man walked out of what seemed to be a portal of purple smoke. His head was also embodied with that same substance, making your eyes widen. Another man stepped forward, him having a large hand covering his face.

"Hand her to us." the man with the hand rasped. He stepped forward, making your parents stand and prepare for a battle.

Though they didn't know how to really fight, they had very useful quirks. Your mother held a quirk that can steal someone's quirk just by a touch. Your father had the ability to read one's mind.

Your mother dashed forward, being instantly wrapped in the purple aura. When your father leaped forward, the man with the hand barely touched his forehead. This caused your father to slowly Crack and disintegrate in front of you.

"Daddy!" You shouted, feeling tears drain out of your eyes. "I have to fight."

Running forward, you heard your mother shout, "No!" but it was too late. When you attempted a roundhouse kick, the purple aura gripped your ankle. Twisting your body, you attempted to get another kick in, but the aura grabbed the other ankle.

"Shigaraki, take of her." The man with the hand nodded as the purple aura dropped your mother.

The last thing you saw before disappearing into the portal was your mother disintegrating into ashes.


You continued to huff and puff when you noticed Kurogiri show himself from the portal.

"Hand her over and we'll leave peacefully." the blonde girl chuckled after her words, licking the edge of her knife.

"You're not taking her!" Izuku shouted.

"YOU'RE NOT TAKING ANYONE!" Bakugo blurted as well.

Then, everyone dashed forward. You came along, hoping to get one touch in to possess.

Izuku glowed in green sparks, jumping high. As everyone charged forward on the enemies, he fell with his ankle sticking out. When he saw the opportunity, he placed more power in his leg to dropkick on the blonde girl.

"Your Midoriya!" the blonde exclaimed, wobbling back onto her feet.

Izuku looked around to see everyone fighting the few villains, his sights being set on the blonde vampire in front of him.

"Let me just have a suck, please?" She chuckled.

Bakugo flies forward using his explosions, towards the man with burned skin. Kirishima charged from behind, hardening his skin. Both boys met the man but fell heat shoot towards their chests.

"You think a simple trick will get me?" the burned man spoke, smirking as the blue fire circled his wrists and palms.

You reached forward towards the man in the black costume since he was preoccupied with fighting the others. Your hand seemed so close, but he took notice, swinging his arm back to knock you back a few steps.

"Your the one we want." he coughed up, seeming to be bleeding from the lips.

"Keep fighting!" Tsu shouted as Mina came around to distract him more.

'Maybe, I can catch Shigaraki off guard.'

Running forward in the crowd of intense fights with quirks, you saw Shigaraki standing behind Kurogiri, who was fighting many students: Sero, Kaminari, Mineta, Iida, and many more. You noticed Todoroki leave to join Kirishima and Bakugo.

'Here I go.'

You ran far behind Shigaraki, not leaving a trace of yourself being noticed. Then, you slowly took steps forward, to stay quiet.

'He's so close.'

Reaching out your hand - neither Shigaraki and Kurogiri noticed - your hand just barely grazed his back.

Her Solitude - Katsuki Bakugo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now