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Bakugo opened his eyes, seeing as it is still dark. He realized he wasn't in his room, but in yours. It didn't really phase him as he was still pretty tired. Instead of sitting up, he scooting forward, laying his head back.

'I'm sure she's fine with this.'

He turned his head, seeing your resting face dawning in his direction. The blue moon trickled specs of soft light onto your face. He grinned lightly as he turned to face the wall.


Opening your eyes, you felt warmth. Looking around, the sun greeted you through the curtains. Your eyes landed on Bakugo, who seemed asleep in front of you; him laying on his back, face up. Shocked, you realized your arms were over his torso. Quickly, you pulled away, feeling a rush of heat hit your cheeks.

"Damn," you murmured.

You decided to let him sleep, slowly leaving your bed and neatly placing the covers back over the spot in which you once laid.

"My medication." Since you forgot to take a pill yesterday, you just quickly did it over the sink then left it in your drawers.

Finding another pair of black shorts, you decided to wear a black short-sleeved shirt with a red and black flannel wrapped around your waist. After changing in the bathroom, you quickly strapped on a pair of sneakers and headed for your door.

'It's still pretty early so I'll just make some breakfast for whoever is up.'

Quickly approaching the kitchen, you noticed Kirishima laying on the couch, as well as Mina and Uraraka sleeping beside each other on the floor.

'Am I really the only one awake?'

You decided to cook a simple breakfast: rice, scrambled eggs, and a great miso soup your parents taught you to make years ago. While cooking, no one seemed to move or even enter the kitchen.

'I'll just make enough for everyone and when they do wake up, they can have some.'

Once you finished cooking, you dished yourself a decent-sized serving of each thing. You slowly walked to the table so you wouldn't spill. When your butt touched the seat, you heard footsteps echoing through the halls. Spinning your head back, you saw Izuku rubbing his eyes as he yawned towards you.

"Izuku?" you called out, taking a slurp of your miso soup.

"Hey, (y/n)," he mumbled, dishing his plates and bowl. "You make this?"

You nodded as he sat in front of you.

"It's really good!" His eyes widened as if he had finally awoken from sleep. His energy boosted instantly as he scarred it all down.

"Thanks!" you beamed, scarring your food down as well.

Once the dishes entered the sink, Izuku volunteered to do the dishes. This allowed you to walk over to the trio by the couch.

You took each step cautiously as one wrong step may cause them to awaken.

"It's a very interesting trio." Suddenly it hit you. Mina and Uraraka sleep on both sides of your room. They must've heard you and Bakugo last night so they had to come out here. Kirishima sleeps on the other side of the dorms from the girls, so him being here doesn't make sense.

"Izuku, do you know why Kirishima is here?" You pointed in his direction, eyeing Izuku as he finished up the dishes. As he dried his hands, he glanced over and shrugged.

"I don't know." You hummed to his words, thinking of the multiple ways he could have any reason for being here.

Izuku rested his body in front of you, lowering his chin in his crossed arms over the table. He looked somewhat tired but overall seemed energetic.

More footsteps approached, this time they were Bakugo's. His hands were stuffed in his pockets as his body lead him to the food, dishing up decent portions.

"Who made this?!" Bakugo shouted as he sat beside you.

"Me." You softly replied, him nodding as he ate.

"Why is Deku here?!" Bakugo shouted, waking up Kirishima, Mina, and Uraraka.

"SHUT up, Bakugo! We heard you and (y/n) all last night!" Mina complained, shoveling her face back into her blanket.

"Wait, Bakubro was with (y/n) all night?" Kirishima asked, looking wide awake from curiosity.

"We're not sure, but I can believe it," Uraraka replied, sitting up with dark bags under her eyes. 

"Were you?" Izuku asked, looking into your eyes when you took your last bite. Shaking your head to reject it, you stood to place your plate in the sink. 

"Then why did we hear you two?" Mina whined, sitting up after realizing that she couldn't fall back asleep. 

"I JUST WANTED TO ASK HER SOMETHING! THAT'S IT!" Bakugo shouted, throwing his plate in the sink. 

"Calm down! We were just wondering." Kirishima butted in, patting his buddy's shoulder. 

"I'll train Monday," you mumbled so everyone can hear you. Everyone stood in joy. 

"Really!" Mina rushed to your side, completely ignoring the fact that you and Bakugo kept her awake. She hugged your side as Uraraka hugged your other side. 

"Yea, we've been missing you!" Uraraka blurted, squeezing you harder. You coughed from the tightness, losing the air in your lungs. They backed off with a grin. 

"What's your quirk anyway?" Mina questioned. You spun your head and shrugged. "What?" You shrugged once more. 

"What does that even mean?" Uraraka spoke, cocking her head to the side. 

"SHE DOESN"T WANT TO TELL YOU!" Bakugo blurted, giving you a quick side glance. Everyone ignored his loud tone but considered his words. 

"Is this true?" Uraraka asked as she sat in the chair on the other side of you. 

You nodded, not wanting to speak the word "yes". They gave a sad look, but brushed it off quickly and walked to the couch. 

"Kirishima, play a movie," Mina spoke joyfully. Kirishima turned the TV on and searched for a movie. 

Her Solitude - Katsuki Bakugo X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang