Chapter 67

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Louis’ POV

“I bet you couldn’t beat one of them.”

“Oh yeah? I bet I could beat you.”

“Bullshit. I’ve been watching this since forever. I got the moves, Styles.”

“You’re on, Tomlinson.”

And so we began the wrestle-war. It was fun to start with, we were just being playful and enjoying being in each other’s arms more than anything.

Then I rolled on top of Harry, pushing him just a little too far.

He smacked his head on the corner of the coffee table and I felt my heart leap into my throat.

The moment it happened, I felt my whole world stop.

His eyes fluttered closed and I was frozen in a state of shock.

It had happened again.

I told myself that Dan was the last time I’d ever hurt anyone. That I would never let anyone get close to me because I would hurt them.

But I broke my promise when I met Harry. There was something about him that felt oddly safe, so I thought that maybe he was different.

But he wasn’t.

I was going to hurt him. Actually, I already did. Well, I thought I did anyway.

“Harry!?” I screamed when he stopped responding.

No. Nononono.

Not again. I couldn’t have this happen again. My mental health was already bad, this would send me spiralling into a depression that I couldn’t handle.

Harry’s face scrunched up in pain and his body paralysed as I watched in horror, shaking my head as I tried to will it away. He was unresponsive when I called his name, and that’s when I freaked out.

I started hyperventilating and my hands were twitching.

It brought back awful memories of the last time…

I shouted his name once more, as I shook him, but he fell backwards, eyes still closed.

“Oh my God…” I shakily brought my fingers up to my mouth, covering it with my hand as I scrambled backwards.

It had happened again.

I hurt Harry. I could have killed him. I-I I don’t know why I ever thought I was good for him!

I felt myself start to shake as an anxiety attack set in.

I crawled up onto the couch, eyes wide as I watched Harry lay there, seemingly lifeless, and started rocking back and forth.

Tears filled my eyes as images filled my head. The only thing I could see was Dan’s lifeless, bloodied body in my arms as I cried, knowing it was all my fault.

There was a bright light, a loud noise, a mangled tree and then all I knew was that Dan wasn’t laughing or singing anymore.

I had crawled over to him to find him sprawled out with his eyes closed, not responding when I called his name.

Dan. Dan. Dan.

His name haunted my memories, as I remembered screaming it over and over until my throat was hoarse.

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