Chapter 8

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Harry’s POV

“C’mon! One more!” Ashton screamed at Niall as he threw down his 4th shot, it still having no effect on him.

I laughed along and looked around at all my friends. Taylor and Jess had gone home earlier, complaining about a headache leaving just Niall, Liam, Charlotte, Michael, Ashton and I.

After the football game finished, Liam was grumpy because his team lost. Niall, on the other hand, was bouncing off the walls, cheerily singing some song about Derby being the best.

I assume that’s his team?

“YOU CAN DO IT! ANOTHER! ANOTHER! LET’S GO!” Ashton chanted as the waitress brought another tray of shots to our table.

The rest of us were nearly completely sober, only having a beer or two each as we watched Niall guzzle down half the bar.

“Okay. Okayokayokayokay,” Niall began to sway a little with a shot in each hand which he threw back, one straight after the other.

Okay, now it was starting to effect him.

“Niall, mate, I think that’s enough,” Liam rolled his eyes and placed a hand on Niall’s arm as he tried to restrain his friend from the tray of 6 other drinks, ordered by Ashton.

Niall shrugged him off and turned to him, the biggest pout on his face I’ve ever seen.

“No!” he shouted. “I want to do more. You’re just angry cause my team kicked your ass!”

“Niall,” Liam tried to reason with him. “Please, you’ll be sick.”

“NO! LICK MY RAMS!” he exclaimed as he grabbed another two shots and got up from the table to run away from Liam who quickly followed after him.

What? Rams?

Oh, cause Derby County are rams... I totally get it now.

Though I don’t understand why one would lick Niall’s football team...

He must be feeling the effects of all that drink.

Finally! It would have effected any normal person 3 shots ago but Niall... Niall is clearly very well versed at holding his drink. I wonder where he learnt that? Or more to the point, who gave him enough that his body learnt to adapt?

After my realisation, I found myself joining in on all the hilarity, laughing hard along with the other three.

“I’d better make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid, not that he hasn’t already. Thanks a lot Ash!” he said over his shoulder before hurrying after the drunken idiot.

I looked beside me at Ashton who was pissing himself laughing at the display.

“You’re welcome, mate!” he replied in between gasps for air, taking responsibility for buying the drinks that intoxicated Niall as he tried to stop laughing.

He wasn’t completely drunk, he was just tipsy, though I think that was soon to change with the amount he was drinking, regardless of how well he holds his alcohol.

Charlotte and Michael were also trying to control themselves but new fits of laughter kept erupting from the both of them as Ashton and I managed to calm down.

“Totally worth it,” he added, leaning into me. “Just to see him like that. God. Gets me every time.” He wiped at his eyes, removing the tears that had fallen from all his laughter.

“Every time? You mean this has happened before?” I asked, curious about the guy’s drunken states.

“Yep,” he said. “Every time Derby win, he’s here watching the game and getting piss drunk afterward. He’s not quite there yet, but he’s getting there. Anyway, Liam yells at me for providing the alcohol but trust me man, seeing him like that makes up for it. C’mon, that was goddamn hilarious.”

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora