Chapter 7

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Holy shit, its been a long time. I'm sorry! Please love me!

its unedited and probably terrible but um... read on anyways pls.

....heres the chapter


Harry’s POV

I ran my hands through my hair, fixing my perfect messy look and checking my face in my rear view window as I sat in my car in the parking lot of The Espy.

I was about to go inside to meet Charlotte’s friends and to say I was nervous was an understatement.

I have always been the kind of person to doubt themselves and get nervous over every little thing. I guess you could say that I’m insecure and considering my past, meeting new people brought that out in me.

I was wearing black skinny jeans and a black button up shirt with black ankle boots, a classy enough outfit to make me feel comfortable but not overdressed.

I looked at myself one last time before turning the mirror back to its original position and leaning back in my chair, giving myself a pep talk.

“Don’t worry, Harry. They won’t hurt you. They won’t hurt you. They won’t.” I chanted to myself. “They’re not like the others. It will be okay. Just, deep breaths.”

After I calmed myself down, I opened the door and climbed out of the car, quickly grabbing my coat and pulling it on as I walked across the parking lot, locking my car over my shoulder.

As I entered the small pub, the smell of alcohol hit me. It was 8pm and already the place smelt disgusting. A football game was playing on the small television screens around the place and it wasn’t long until I spotted who i was looking for on a table in front of the largest one. Charlotte, Taylor and Jess were sitting with 2 other guys, the guys eyes glued to the game while the girls talked.

“C’mon!” One of them shouted at the screen. “That’s a fucking foul, Umpire! Any dipshit can clearly see-” he stopped when he saw me approaching and sat down, trying to control his anger.

I chuckled and looked at the television. It was a repeat of the game Will and Jack were watching at home earlier today.

“Oh Harry!” Charlotte’s voice carried through the small pub as she jumped up and ran towards me, making everyone turn to look at me.

Shit. I hate when this happens.

“Hey Charl,” I greeted her back, giving her an awkward hug as I tried to act cool.

She hooked her arm through mine and lead us both back to the table as she chatted happily about how good it was to see me.

I wasn’t really listening. I was too nervous that these people were going to hate me and make my life hell. I closed my eyes, reminded myself that this wasn’t high school and these people were surely more mature and let Charlotte pull me towards her friends.

“Harry!” Taylor exclaimed once we’d gotten to the table. “You made it!”

“Hey Harry!” Jess added. “Good to see you!”

I smiled weakly and waved a little as Charlotte sat down and I pulled up a chair next to her, still a little anxious. Taylor was on the other side of me and the others were all around the table, making me feel terribly self conscious as they all looked at me.

“Harry,” Charlotte began, turning to face me “This is Niall,” she pointed to a blonde haired guy who looked about 20 years old. The same guy who had been swearing at the game.

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Where stories live. Discover now