Chapter 18

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Harry’s POV

“What?” I asked Ashton as I walked into the kitchen after him and Will. Will went straight to the cupboard to find food.

“What drink does she want?” he asked me, walking over to the fridge and completely disregarding my question.

“Whatever I’m having.” I told him. “Now, what did you want?”

“What are you having?” He asked, his head still in the fridge.

I rolled my eyes. “Just get a can of coke.” I told him, giving up and jumping up onto the bench.

“Dude.” Will chimed in, a bag of crisps in his hand. “She’s gorgeous. What’d you do to get a friend like her?”

“I met her at work.” I told him. “She’s Eleanor Calder’s sister.”

Will spat his drink out and blinked at me. “The Eleanor Calder?”

“Yes Will,” I laughed at him. “The Eleanor Calder. But don’t talk about it, they don’t really get along.”

“Shit...” Will said under his breath, unable to believe it.

“Here,” Ash said, giving a can of coke to Will. “Take this to Charl and make small talk.” He told him.

“Yes sir.” Will saluted to him and left the room with the drink and food, Ashton following him to shut the door after he left.

“Dude! What the hell!” Ash exclaimed as soon as the door was closed. He walked back over to me and jumped up onto the bench next to me.

“What?” I asked, very confused.

“You invited Andy here the same night we’re supposed to be going to Luke and Cal’s? What gives?” He punched my arm lightly.

“Ow! And what?” I spluttered. “I never invited him here!”

“Yes you did.” Ash said.

“No, I didn’t. In fact, the only person I did invite here, was Charl.” I replied.

“He said that you invited him.” Ashton told me, a very confused look coming over his face.

“Well he’s a liar.” I said, shaking my head. “I never said he could come here.”

“Well, when he rocked up, he said that you had said he could come over and wait for you to come home. That you said you wanted to hang out with him tonight.” Ashton explained.

“That never happened. I haven’t spoken to him since we broke up. I saw him a couple days ago, but we didn’t speak.” I replied.

“What a douche! Just coming here like that, then!” Ashton exclaimed and I laughed.

“Shh!” I told him as I tried to hide my laughs. “He’ll hear!”

Ashton looked at me as his eyes widened and he then tried to contain his laughter.

“You’re still coming tonight, right?” He asked me.

“Yeah man! Charl just came for a bit. She’s not gonna stay late.” I explained.

“Good. I thought you were ditching me for a second there.” Ashton laughed and I joined in.

“Can I meet her?” I heard Andy exclaim from the next room.

“No.” Charl’s voice sounded strained.

“Please? I’m a huge fan! It would mean the world-”

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя