Character Ask (The Answers Part 1)

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So thanks for all the questions guys! They were all really good and I've tried to answer all of them the best I could.

Anyways... so here it is!




Vic: [smiling] Hi! So welcome to the Lights, Camera, Harry Character Ask! I have here with me; Charl, Niall, Liam, Eleanor, Jack, Will, Louis and Harry to answer your questions.

Niall: Thanks for having us!

Vic: No problems! Okay, so let's just get right into it!

Liam: [grining] I'm pumped.

Vic: Alright, let's go.


1. From @ruezzle - How's the wedding planning going?

Charl: So good, isn't it Harry!

Harry: [smiles at her] Yeah, it's coming along nicely.

Charl: We picked the flowers the other day - they're pink - and Harry and I going dress shopping tomorrow.

Louis: [looks at Harry] You are?

Harry: [doesn't look back, keeps eyes on the floor] Yes.

Louis: [in a small voice] oh

Charl: And El's coming too!

Eleanor: I sure am!

Charl: [smiles at Harry] Harry's going to be a beautiful Maid on Honour.

Harry: [smiles back] In a suit.

Charl: [whispers] That's what he thinks...

Harry: I'm not wearing a dress.

Charl: [patronizing, patting his hand] Of course you're not, sweetie.

Niall: [laughing loudly] Oh my god! Can he PLEASE wear a pink one?

Will: [under his breath] He already has...

Harry: What!?

Charl: Well he has to fit the colour scheme...

Jack: [hi-fives Niall] This is going to be gold!

Harry: [blushing and pouting] Can we move on please? This is mean...

Liam: [silences everyone] Hold up, can we please back up a little. Will, what did you just say about Harry in a dress?

Will: [shrugs] He's already worn one.

Louis: [eyes wide] What?

Harry: [looks up at the roof] Kill me now.

Jack: Um, when did this happen?

Will: Do you remember that time Harry dressed up and-

Harry: [begging] Seriously, just end the pain.

Jack: [laughing] Oh yeah! He was asking if-

Vic: [interrupts] Okay! Moving on now, I think Harry's had enough embarrassment for one question...

2. From @5secondsofchurros - Are you and El friends again, after everything that happened?

Charl: [looks at Eleanor] Um, yeah I guess. I mean, we're not 'besties' but we're getting better.

Eleanor: [sorry] You know I'm sorry, Charl. I never meant to take sides with our parents-

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ