Chapter 52

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merry christmas? (to anyone still celebrating somewhere in the world)

here's some more larry for ya, enjoy!




Louis' POV

"Be my boyfriend." Harry said all of a sudden as he was laying on top of me.

He was being affectionate again, which was a nice change. I thought he was pulling away because he didnt like me, but he was being all lovey-dovey again, so I felt a little better.

But him asking me out really confirmed it. He felt the same way as I did and that made me so so happy, words couldnt even describe it.

I had just fallen and banged my head a little, so I thought I might have imagined him actually asking, but there we was, in all his perfection, laying above me.

My breath hitched as I stared up into his perfect green eyes, trying to figure out what he was thinking.

He looked incredibly nervous as he waited for an answer.

I didn't know what to do. I had been waiting for him to ask for a little while now, and I even thought that maybe he wasn't going to because maybe he didn't like me the same way that I seemed to be captured by him.

But he did ask me.

And I gulped.

I grabbed his hair and pulled his lips down to meet mine in a hard kiss as I tried to stall.

I wanted to say yes, but I was still scared.

"Are you being serious?" I breathed against his lips, my eyes still closed. "I don't want you to play me, Styles."

He pulled away from me a little so he could look into my frightened eyes before nodding as he pushed a strand of hair from my face.

"So serious." He answered, softly.

"You're not going to hurt me?" I asked. I had to be sure.

"Never." He said, still visibly nervous as I was asking all my questions.

As soon as he said that one word, I smiled because his deep, raspy yet incredibly tender voice said it all. The tone he used around me was different. He cared, he really did and I could tell.

"Then yes," I told him, putting his worry to an end. "I will be your boyfriend."

When I said it, he relaxed and the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen had appeared on his face.

"Good." He breathed out, his eyes sparkling as he grinned. "Good."

I giggled at his cuteness and pulled his head down for one last kiss, making sure I could show him everything I couldn't say out loud as I did.

Then, I pushed him of me playfully and stood before extending a hand to help him up too.

"Come on," I said, nodding towards the rocks. "Let's go sit."

Harry grinned and took my hand before we walked over to the rocks I was talking about.

There were a few really big ones, but if you managed to get over them, there were some flat ones that offered a fantastic view.

As we walked, I couldn't stop smiling. I used to grimace all the time, but since Harry came into my life, I was so much happier.

There was just something about him that made my heart swell and made me want to be a better person.

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora