Chapter 76

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Harry's POV

As soon as the car arrived, Charl and I went outside her small apartment block to see Niall sticking his head out the window.

"Hey!" He shouted with a grin and a wave. "Get in!"

The small smile on my face turned to a grin as I turned to look at Charl. She was smiling back, her eyes sparkling with excitement as I held my arm out for her to take it.

She hooked her arm through mine and held the skirt of her dress up as we stepped down a few steps and headed across the pavement towards the parked limousine.

I opened the door for her and she climbed in, then I followed her and closed the door behind us.

Apparently we were the last to be picked up, because Liam, Taylor, Jess and Niall were already inside.

We were greeted with smiles and a half hug from Liam, because I was sitting next to him, and a glass of champagne was put in my hand.

"How are we all?" Charl asked as she looked at the girls she was sitting next to and the boys sitting opposite.

"So excited!" Jess squealed, as she took Charl's hand and squeezed it before breaking out into laughter. "You guys?"

"Yeah, Harry and I had fun, didn't we babe?" She laughed and I agreed.

"Yeah, we did." I said. "I'm nervous though."

"For the premier or the actual movie?" Tay asked, with a knowing look.

"The movie." I answered honestly, because honestly, the only part of the premier I was nervous for was me falling on my face on the red carpet in front of all the cameras.

"Yeah, I hope it's good," Liam commented. "I really want to see how it all turned out."

"Ugh, I'm not." Niall grimaced. "I hate seeing myself up on the big screen. I feel so awkward."

We all laughed when he said that, teasing him lightly.

"I'm serious!" He continued. "I'd rather it all just be over already."

"Aw, poor movie star. Hates being the centre of attention." Liam mocked, lightly shoving his shoulder.

"Shut up!" Niall moaned with a small laugh. "You're making me sound like a dick. I just meant-"

"Aw its okay, Ni." Tay leant forward and patted his leg. "We understand."

I hadn't been saying much at all,

Then I felt the car stop and the crowd outside become audible.

"Hey." Jess held her hand up. "Can you hear that?"

She asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. "It sounds like there's a lot of people here."

"Well, what did you expect?" Liam laughed. "Louis and El are gonna be here. That's always gonna attract a lot of people."

Everyone stopped talking and laughed nervously. I felt them all steal glances at me, trying to see my reaction and figure out my feelings.

"O-Oh," Liam stuttered as we fell into a silence, glancing at me. "Sorry, Harry, I didn't mean anything by it. I-I mean, we all know it's just for the cameras."

"Yeah." I laughed, trying to put the others at ease. "It's fine. Really, I'm fine."

Charl gave me a look that said 'are you sure?' and I gave her a small nod and a smile.

So being the best friend that she was, she started a conversation, distracting them all from me so I could recompose.

I felt sad, so I needed a moment.

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum