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so heres the first part.....


Lights were flashing in his face the moment he stepped out of the car. Cameras snap pictures of him wherever he went, and today was no exception.

He had finally arrived.

Louis Tomlinson climbed out of the backseat of the black SUV and covered his face with his hands, trying to block out some of the paparazzo’s blinding cameras but it was no use. There would be pictures of him in tomorrow’s papers.

“Louis Tomlinson to portray Augustus Waters in movie adaption of John Green’s ‘The Fault in Our Stars”

“Tomlinson commences filming new romance movie today”

“John Green’s ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ to begin filming with Tomlinson on set”

The cameras were horrible and the lights too bright. Louis hated the press, they felt it was their right to get inside his personal life and broadcast it to the rest of the world, burning him in the process.

Somehow, he always ended up hurt.

He covered himself in tattoos and started wearing darker clothes and cutting people out of his life.

He started lying during interviews, so they would know less about the real him, trying to protect whatever he had left of himself.

He stopped talking to his family and pushed them away, only keeping a few friends close by. Those were the people who knew him, who knew the real him. He would only allow himself to be the real him in their company.

Niall and Louis had met in acting school and although Niall hadn’t had quite the luck Louis had, he was still a relatively big name and had stayed friends him. They’d even been a few films together, though Niall mostly did television work now.

Liam and Zayn were the other two people he would let near him. He had met them filming one is his first films and they too knew the way he used to be. They never got to see it anymore, but they never lost faith that it was still there, underneath the walls he had built up.

Although they thought they did, no one knew the real Louis Tomlinson. He never told anyone anything about himself anymore. He didn’t trust anyone enough to let them in. He kept his true self hidden, for only him to know.

He sighed and turned around, back to face the car.

He would rather be anywhere but there, outside the studio, working, which really isn’t necessary considering the amount of money he has.

He used to like his job. Acting had always been a dream of his and when he graduated acting school, Louis felt on top of the world.

He had the best luck in his early years, getting audition after audition, role after role, being cast in bigger and better productions each time.

He soon became quite famous and starred in many movies and had cameos in popular TV series. He was a lovely young man, very nice and chatty in interviews but as soon as he got offset or away from the public eye, he turned bitter.

He would snarl at his co-workers and backchat the director, make the extras do whatever he wanted and snapped at anyone who said something he didn’t like.

But it wasn’t always like that.

No, something changed him...

Anyone who had seen Louis without a camera in his face knew how he was. People would ask why and he would spit some kind of horrible comment in their face before storming away. Louis would never tell anyone what happened. what made him the way he is.

He reached back into the car to pull out Eleanor Calder, the girl who would be playing Hazel Grace. The two had been seen together in clubs, hooking up, recently but they both denied the rumours that they were ‘together’.

Because it couldn’t be further from the truth.

Louis doesn’t do relationships. He does quick fucks and one night stands. That’s all. He doesn’t believe in love or dating, because he doesn’t trust anyone. Eleanor was just another girl in his never ending line of hoes, who happened to be working the same job as him at the moment.

She also happened to be the only person he tolerated being around aside from his friends, so he kept her around, for now.

Louis put his hand on Eleanor’s back as they pushed through the crowd that had formed outside the studio and entered the building, ready to begin on their first day on a new set.



So there you have it, the beginning of my new fic :)

I know its really short, its only supposed to be a brief introduction to Louis. The real story will start in Chapter 1!

please, let me know what you think? 

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if you've read this far, thank-you <3

~vic xo

Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang